I overheard someone say, some people does have good thing and waste it. The statement was made at face value without doing a proper assessment. What are your thoughts?
Everyone takes stuff for granted. I can walk but don’t exercise. So maybe I’m wasting my ability to walk. I just take my mobility for granted.
Taking stuff for granted is part of the human experience!
And then people value things differently. Some people value a big house, fancy car, status and money then some people just need the basics.
It’s funny. I just need and value the basics. But I get envious of people with a big house, status etc. Crossed wires in my brain
It is not envy. People like to make you feel it is envy so that they feel good about themselves. I think it is more wonder and curiosity and ambition. I wonder what it is like to be rich type of thinking.
I try not to take stuff for granted . Despite all the greed and hatred in the world , I like to focus on the good things I have
I think balance is key
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