Faces and things keep going by in front of me the last several days. Are these hallucinations? These arent like my usual hallucinations. They flash clear as day in front ofmy eyes.
Anything else unusual going on? Forget to take meds? Take meds twice? Recently change meds or dosing? Sleeping way more or way less? Memories of old stuff coming up? Anxiety up or down? Mania up or down?
Another day in the depths of sz.
Hallucinations can change in flavor. But they are still hallucinations.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
Faces and buildings, images of vegetation ( flowering trees, foliage during spring and summer)-these flash by my eyes every day. These are hallucinations. Befriend them .Enjoy them. It is a gift. They aren’t harmful except as some psychiatrist has told you hallucinations are harmful. They may be distracting, but SZ is a disease of distractions.
I’m sorry you aren’t doing so well. I hope it goes away soon.