Recent hallucination

This started a few months ago but I see clusters of lights just zooming towards me from a far and there very small or I see one or they turn into many very weird


I’ve had the hallucinations with lights mine were red. I thought they were trying to land on me. Meds stopped then thank goodness cause I was running away from them all hours of the night.


i have odd indestinct lights every time i’m either very emotional or slightly unwell
more like sparkles
it’s indistinct though like am i seeing it or is it just an emotional reaction
vision changes anyway
if im very psychotic it changes to bright outlines on peoples faces and things like that

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That’s exactly what I see it’s iridescent sparkles they come in clusters or one or spread apart it’s crazy how we can get almost exact hallucinations

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Oh also I see the auras to! Like I white outline or blue etc of there body even if they move


I’m happy the meds stopped them !

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That’s really good to hear but sometimes it feels like I’m even imagine if it’s quite indestinct sometimes

How is quitting weed going? I´m struggling and counting the days since I don´t smoke…

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In all honesty it’s been 3 days I’m tempted to smoke but it’s not worth spending and being psychotic I haven’t been delusional and having grandiose thoughts I do feel low but that can happen by quitting keep it up you will feel so much better cause being sick even if you find comfort in it cause that’s what your used to feel you will realize that it’s not worth it and you feel much better sober and stable

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