My husband is sick

He has a 101.7 fever and Tylenol didn’t make it go down yet.

He’s drinking cold fluids and took acetaminophen (aka Tylenol and aka Paraceramol).

I’m getting him a cold wet cloth to put on his neck. His face is flushed red with the fever. Poor guy!


Hope he feels better soon. :cat::cat::cat:


Thanks @GrayBear . He’s supposed to have a physical in the morning but he says he’s not up to going so I’m canceling it for him.


Sounds like he might have white coat disease. That’s when doctors cause so much anxiety, the customer gets sick of the whole idea of seeing one.

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Wishing him a quick recovery.:pray:t4:


He sees drs regularly and this doesn’t normally happen. But I understand what you’re saying @PinCushion

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Thanks @SacredNeigh7

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I hope he feels better soon


Thanks @anon63380492 15

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Paracetomol is usually pretty good so the thing is keep it to the regular recommended dose which is like every 4 hours or so depending on dose.

If it gets real bad hit emergency. Big temperatures can do bad things to the body so don’t want to freak you out but it your out of hours for a doc it’s not bad to check in with a health concern.


As long as it stays under 103F he should be ok. The Tylenol/Paracetamol broke his fever but now it’s back. He can take it again in an hour.
Where we live, ERs are really nasty to people unless they’re severely injured or gravely ill so we try our best to avoid them.

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Hope he feels better soon. Sounds like he’s lucky to have you as nurse.


Awe, thanks @Gamera

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i just get really bad cold.first 3 days is the hardest.i recommend that first 3 days he should take paracetamol no matters his tempature is.later he can quit

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Yeah hearing that out here too. No problems just glad your on top of it!

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Good luck @LilyoftheValley . I Hope he recovers soon.

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Thanks @rogueone @Bowens

I hope he feels better soon.

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Thanks @anon70814080

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