I have an appointment to see my family doctor tomorrow

Can’t seem to shake this stomach flu completely.
I’m also concerned about my my body temperature numbers.
A bit lower than usual.


Hoping they can get you sorted out @Wave

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Sorry you’re still not feeling well,

Maybe the doctor can do/prescribe something that’ll help.

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Yeah maybe he’ll prescribe something.
Thanks @antidepressant044 and @GoldenRex!


Hope the doctor’s visit goes well, @Wave-- feel better soon :sunflower:


Thanks @Schztuna!

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Please take care, @Wave.

I hope your doctor visit goes well. :sunny:

I think doctors are generally good folks. :+1:

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Thanks @Montezuma!

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I hope you get well soon!

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I hope all goes well and the Dr. comes up with some ideas for you to help you get better quickly.

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Let us know what’s going on when you find out, get well soon!

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@Wave, A little dip in body temperature will not harm you any. And there’s nothing they can prescribe for the flu unless they prescribe Lomotil for diarrhea or something for the nausea. The best thing to do for flu is to drink lots and lots of fluids.

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Thanks @JustTrish @Leaf @Twialine and @SkinnyMe!

@SkinnyMe my body temperature dipped down to 95.5 degrees the other night!
That’s almost hyperthermia!


@Wave, How did you take your temperature? With an oral thermometer? Or with a forehead thermometer? Or with and aural thermometer? Hypothermia is when you have a core temperature of below 95 degrees farenheit and at that point, you would be shivering and very confused. It doesn’t count as hypothermia until you get to that point. What is your temperature now? That’s what matters.

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Try to stay warm, hon. Feel better and at peace. :blush:


Last time I checked it was 97.6 degrees.
I take my temperature with an oral thermometer.

Thanks @JustTrish

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Ok thanks @SkinnyMe

Feel better soon!!!

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Thank you @Happy_H