Seeing my psychiatrist today!

Hoping to have my medicine changed. Ive been stuck in the hospital the past few days so Im kind of sick and coughing. Was really hoping to get discharged in time for my appt, and thankfully I was. Wish me luck!
Right now I am on 15mg of haldol.
Im hoping to either increase that or add a new AP to my daily dose.


Good luck with your psychiatrist’s appointment!

I’m seeing mine next Tuesday.

Let us know how it went.


Best of luck ! :crossed_fingers:


Good luck @CarleyGee!

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So initally my doctor was only going to increase my haldol by 2mg but I was like… Idk ive been on haldol for a while and didnt see much of an improvement. Id like to experiment with something new added on. So he added risperidol! Ive heard of it but never taken it. So im going to do some research on it now that i just got home. :slight_smile:


It’s effective med and halucinations dissapeare…
Some weight gain…
Prolactin enchaser,so you may have milk …
It’s safe…


halucinations dissapeare

Thats what im hoping!

Some weight gain…"

I had a gastric bypass three years ago so its really difficult for me to gain weight. hopefully that stays the same. Because haldol made me gain about forty lbs a few years ago. Was wild! I had never been that big. Now im about 105 lbs. For my height thats a good weight.


Just advice,first time I tried,1mg was bomb…

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i like risperidone. it worked better for me than the haldol. now im on invega which is like risperidone but its once a day cause it lasts longer. i really like it it works for me really good.


it worked better for me than the haldol.

I know everyone is different, but that gives me a lot of hope!
I really liked haldol at first, but we can only up the dosage on that so many times before it starts getting ridiculous. Im just glad my pscyhiatrist listens to me, because when he said haldol uppd 2mg i ws like Uhhhh… no we should try something new. Ive had psychiatrists in the past who did not listen to me at all or would prescribe the absolute wrongest things for me. its a relief to have a good doctor!


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