Hey all,
I know I don’t start too many threads of my own, but here’s one I wanted to post. I have been taking L Theanine daily for the past 8 months or so, usually 200 mg a day, but sometimes and most recently over the past 3 weeks, 400 mg a day.
Yesterday my boss wanted me to work basically a double, so I decided not to take any L Theanine. I went through withdrawal in the form of profuse sweating and a mild headache for the first part of the day, but afterward I noticed how much more energy I had and how… focused I was.
I ended up not taking any after work last night, and today I have not taken any. Apparently L Theanine has a super short half life, so I don’t know if it’s already out of my system or not, but I don’t seem to be suffering any withdrawal today.
On the plus side, last night laying down the voices were a lot quieter than usual, and everything just seemed more… focused. I also only slept for about 8 hours instead of my usual 10, and usually I lay down for 10-20 minutes in the early afternoon, but I have no desire to do so.
I’m going to monitor myself to see if the symptoms start spiking again, but I’m thinking now that I’m on Invega, I no longer need the L Theanine, and I think it was sedating me too much and causing crabbiness and inability to focus and motivate myself.
Anyone else have a similar experience?