Searched for “paranoia” on Pinterest

And I got a pop up message asking if I wanted to create a board about paranoid ideas.

Probably not a good idea. :joy:


I’m sorry you’re struggling with paranoia. I feel like I should be an expert on it but it just faded away for me.

Have you come across anything that has helped your paranoia in the past (meds/supplements/anything)?

Do you drink a lot of coffee? Anxiety increases the feeling of paranoia.

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Thanks @everhopeful.

Risperidone helped in the past. Maybe I should consider that again.

I have been drinking more coffee than usual lately. That does make it worse but I always conveniently forget that when I’m pouring a cup.

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maybe get decaf?


Well, cutting out or just cutting down coffee might be an easy win. Buy some decaff and have that during the day. You can still have your regular morning coffee.


Thanks @anon84461028 and @everhopeful

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@anon1517417 I am sorry you are down…

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Yea, paranoia is tough because talking about the paranoid topics can be difficult so it can be like being alone in it.

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