Are the scientists pulling our leg or are they really developing novel antipsychotic agents that are safer and have less side effects than the current stuff were on?
ITI-007 And MIN-101 are the great big hopes for me right now.
Thanks @everhopeful. What’s your take on ITi-007?
You think they will release it early? I hope it works.
Min 101 looks really promising but it’s gonna be a couple years before that one makes it. I hope it’s a mono therapy for positive and negative symptoms not an add on which it looks to be.
I know I’m staying the obvious here but if the meds had less side effects wouldn’t life be great!
Min-101 was used as monotherapy in the trials, and positive symptoms remained stable in the participants. So it’s not just an add on.
I think iti-007 has a great chance of making it to market.
If they’re successful, they’ll make a lot of money which will probably spur more development in better meds.
I really think we’re on the cusp of having better meds (meds we will actually like! )
That sounds like great news! thanks tor your optimism.
I think if your waiting for the perfect med you will be waiting a life time, @shutterbug said that. Speaking of @shutterbug is he still around?
He’s taking some time away to focus on work and family. Hopefully we’ll see him after the new year.
I believe in neuroplasticity. It’s possible to get better without meds, but it probably takes time. A lot of our problems is psychological, even our search for new meds. I’m getting better, but it’s taking time. @shutterbug once said me that it took him ten years to get better.