Where are the new medications?

When will the pharma companies catch up to the research scientists and give us better meds that actually work?

Min-101 goes into phase 3 in the last half of this year. If it passes, then it won’t be long for the USA. Then probably about 2050 it’ll land here in Europe.


Haha 2050. Ill let you know if Min 101 is any good when it comes out. It’ll probably fail in the second phase three trial like our boy 007. You might have to emigrate to get it if it does get released.
Seriously though two years is too long to wait

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Every other day I read something about a new break in research and they’ve found a completely novel approach to treating sz. Yet there are only 1 or two meds scheduled to come out in the next 5-10 years.
I don’t understand what the problem is here. I complained last night at a dual disgnosis meeting and some lady told me that when she first got sick all they had was lithium and Thorazine. A lot of people seem content with meds like latuda and seroquel.
I think they don’t work right and cause tremendous discomfort. Maybe I’m spoiled

I’m not impressed by the new drugs coming down the pipeline.
Probably the same old results.

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The only one that looks good to me is Evenamide.
And it’s only an add on therapy. Plus it’s like 4 years away from finishing phase three

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If ITI 007 were to pass I think it would save a lot of lives(mine included). I seriously don’t know how to live on the current meds. Yea so I guess they’re better than going to the hospital. But I can’t do jack ■■■■ other than sit on the couch and order pizzas.

They’ve got the understanding of sz down to a molecular level now. Where proteins and DNA are involved. How come they can’t fast track a treatment that will alleviate the suffering. I saw another guy last night who had schizoaffective disorder and believe me he looked like he was suffering

He looked like I feel all the time. Constantly fighting a war in my mind against intrusive and bizarre thoughts. Where is the humanitarian aid for us?
How the hell are we supposed to live like this?

But I can’t do jack ■■■■ other than sit on the couch and order pizzas.

I’m back on my diet, so I can’t even order pizzas now! :smile:

I have Rss feeds for iti-007 And min-101, so I’ll post any news as soon as it’s released. Although firemonkey will probably be at me to it.

So don’t worry about missing anything.

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The FDA has a whole lengthy process for legalizing and patenting drugs. I had to study up on it a long time ago when I was trying to get a health information technology degree before moving to a physics degree. It takes a while.

I dont know what to do. Need to be patient another month on abilify and see what happens. Thwn maybe switch back to zeldox i guess.

There’s not going to be a magic pill…a top psychiatrist has stated this. A cure will come in maybe 50 to 100 years there’s billion or so babies in the world that 1 in 100 will be schizophrenic there the generation that will be cured with a type of stem cell regeneration or something along those lines not us our brains are degenerating you can’t grow back the grey matter were a list generation to mental illness.