Schizophrenics with major problems in society

don’t even know them til years later.


or fallouts with family and friends.

even care givers. They fail!

let’s really think of what we Need.

can you express it.

I loved Social Studies in 3rd grade. Aced it. didn’t even know what was to come.

you were living in an apartment with no bedroom to yourself.

it mattered to me.

they knew I was falling thru the cracks, then we moved, and they gave me the whole basement. just more isolation.

thank God for friends. yep yep.

I used to come here to fight in the old days @Daze. I appreciate a voice in the masses but honestly it gets lost in the web if your fighting all the time…

I used to think fighting made my message more right and all. I had reason for sure but do you know what?

I wasted so much energy fighting I lost the means to ask or get support…I was just this dude who railed against everything and I gave up that policy of support that made me welcome…I’m just saying I can relate on that fighting part but being civil and supportive took a long time to sink in…


believe it or not, I don’t come here to fight.

its natural to get defensive.

but I do wish I could talk about the fight for my life for justice
in the messed up world. I’ve done a lot, with no support.

I think you can talk about all of that without breaking any rules.

hmmm, idk, the rules seem to change by day.

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