Schizophrenical current

didnt mean to post this yet, wasnt done. Stupid phone. Didnt even know if i was going to post it

I am just looking at ways to describe being lost. Its sort of like being caught in a current or an eddie. Not enough energy to swim out of it. But it takes you places. Lol


I think I get what you’re saying. Like when you feel like life is happening around you and you’re just being moved from day to day event to event with little to no control or input. I feel like that sometimes.


Yes that is what i mean. Life happening like to you. And it feels like its not happening based on any input or descisions that have been made.

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Yeah, I get that. It’s a shitty feeling.

Yes me too, the voices control my mood, I used to think I controlled my mood… Nothing much changes and there is far too many of them to lift my mood for long. My voices really hate me, find me disgusting and barely tolerate me… Isn’t that insane? They came to me yet they barely tolerate me. I know there is a bigger picture but I fail to see it.

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