
Alright, let’s do this again.

This is the cause of my problem.

It’s like a lifelong, however long it is, nebuchanezzar ordeal. Thats it, thats really what it really is. Except that ■■■■■■■’s problem was easier. Clip this and alter that and he acted as though he were an animal for awhile. Schizophrenia is way worse than that, it’s intense.

Your mind gets hacked and ■■■■■■ with completely by “them”. Yes there is a “them” and they do these things.

Our brains are computers and you can do many things with them. Even visual hallucinations?! What? No way, you can make someone see things? Make them hear and feel things, and taste and think things, no way, you don’t say.

My problem is no disease and it doesn’t need to happen to people. There is a cure for this little problem. I don’t know if you’d call it a cure though rather than a beat down.

Hell you could make “schizophrenia” illegal to do to people even, there is your cure. But how the ■■■■ are you supposed to do that if you don’t even know they are doing it to people huh?

This problem isn’t really like the nebuchanezzar brain hack though, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It just would never make any sense to do in any situation ever. It could never be a judgement and it probably couldn’t even be considered a sane attack actually, nothing about it makes any sense whatsoever. It’s pure chaotic evil is what it is and it’s rooted in insane minds that don’t really work at all.

What did that ■■■■■■■ get anyway? Seven or so years and much less of a problem to deal with? Had i deserved it i could have admitted it to, im just honest like that. ■■■■ makes no sense whatsoever.

As a judgement it’s like paying a thousand eyes for one, and as an attack it’s like nuking an anthill when you want to get rid of it. These assholes are realllllyyyyyyy ■■■■■■■ crazy.

But let’s be honest. They just like doing it.

Trauma and electronic holdover a person causes these symptoms. No one can make you see things and hear things. Impossible. Don’t believe that other propaganda they don’t want you to get help. Please commit yourself to recovery. What remains after that is what cover up there is with targeting. Like vibrating tailbone and groin. Extreme head pain. And 24 hour surveillance. These are the things some of us hold against the government and the ones who will get payout.

well you have a number of drugs to keep you ill. which will you choose?

remember it must make a profit for some one kid, you are not alone in your greed.

I want more … LOL

give me clean glass and a great drink and I will serve the highet bidder.

Please don’t HijackThis one lister.

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give me choice betwen the read and blue pill and I willl edit
Welcome back bono, you off you mision to aids patients now, I have a recommendation, selll everyting you own

yeah thats great you got a tv and some comercials attract

research …oh you cant count up to three

lets have a mel;ting down some one saw, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu-tsQn-M1Q
I want to trip, to profit off you, see you, do you feel anything at all, freedom has a scent when it tops offf a cock’s head, there is no failure here, love makes no sense, ■■■■ viagra, love
the song is in you life
for a miracale commmunion
letshave one
I need you
beneath mister lister listers medicine, I see you when when we meet
miracllee drug
faggot name calling
oh you feel, weel run around this,I want to tripp with you my sin, my saviior
frreedom has a sense,

I am givning up
and givning in
sc9ence and the human heart
make your sense, love and lotgic keeps us clear
season me, I give it up
miracle drug
good yo9u sing … its whispering
you take me in
see the ALLL
I give it up
for a miracle drug, you do for that lover, what else
■■■■ that shiot
some snake
oh you want a secret song don
't you
I have a great drug under cover

you know more than your author

freedom … I submitt … you reign

my damaging evidence

people… yeah I suck but with you my Lord and Ladty reigns over the world

I just shouldn’t respond to you right lister? Forgive me. Forgive all of us.

my bad pilll, you can lower the dasagem fktubg saycers you say great lord

Yes I take the communion of whine
lets have a song about it

Please let it go.

so you, my god and goddess , is flood

fiire, some kind band to play you a way, some fire work, you can point out at me

You judge me … my lord and lady