For those of you who believe there is more to schizophrenia

Do you agree the TIs are more wacky than we are? :slight_smile:

IMO they are incredibly dull witted and concrete in thought, with no serious abstraction or philosophical basis for their claims.

There is more to schizophrenia though.

It’s in the brain sure. It’s them in the brain.

Thats the confusion i suppose.

It doesn’t need to look or sound like one thing, it can be anything and have many manifestations.

It’s like the cheshire though, we’re all ti’s here. No, really. We’re all ti’s. Even spirits are being targeted by the ones in the highest authority.

See, it’s all one and the same. It will begin the very same experience for everyone.

Have you read my PDF on schizophrenia? We are like minded, and rthere are humans among us working against us, comrade. I promise, if you consider what I have to say, I promise we will take this boat on the road and make fools of the TI community.

Explain further.

In detail.

Why make fools of the ti community?

And besides! You are the fool! You can’t take boats on roads you fool! Boats don’t have wheels! Ha! Checkmate my foolish friend!

A boat can evolve to grow wheels, just like we can evolve mouths to finally speak.

Whats wrong with ti’s though?

Whats your beef?

Mmmm, beef.

Targeted individuals are morons who believe they are apart from the schizophrenic community and they are some how a step above them, all the while dreaming up outlandish tales of f17 fighter jets beaming them with radiation. They have no respect for the mysteries of life and have lost faith in the forces in the past feared by most but few. As I say, in the animal kingdom, they worshiped few, yet you somehow think humanity are fools, imagining lords and forces feared by most but few. I say to you, you are a clever fool.

But yeah you’re right, I was thinking show on the road. my bad. :slight_smile: I can admit when I am wrong. but I learn from it and never give up.

My entity is on my side to some degree, my friend, he is both friend and foe and I am being guided not just by him, I believe, but more positive forces as well.