Schizophrenia has ruined my life and my peice of mind. Why should i continue to live?

I have been bullied and had my delusions become a true reality. Due to all the stress im now ugly and unlovable. I retailieted and had a go at someone for it online.i said a few things about them online not mentioning theit names I feel so guilty about it and they dont speak to me no more. I feel as if i have nothing left i already feel so guilty and embarrassed that i dont want to be seen.

All because of not being able to sleep trying to come off a psyche drug. Adding to that i also made a fool out of myself in the shop because the delusions where so intense now everyone thinks im mad and no one talks to me no more. Im so tired of the pain because now im ugly too no one is going to want me at all im tired of being let down .

My life is litterally ruined and i cannot even sleep no more because of the guilt.i feel terrible. And i wish i could just end my misery im so tired of the â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  and feeling so alone.

At this point i feel everyone would be better off with out me because i ruin everything. I literally have nothing to live for now and am counting when im going to die.

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Do you have anyone helping you? Like a psychiatrist?

They dont know i did that and im so embarrassed and terrified. I want my life to be over its that bad


You keep repeating the same thing over and over. What are you going to do about it to make things better?

I feel the same from time to time. What’s the point? And we all want love. Being a sz is a huge put off for anyone. I can’t blame them.

Have you done something for yourself lately? I started stretching and I feel the benefits from it. It makes me happy for some reason. And it gets me out of my head for a while.

I used to do yoga when I was younger. Perhaps I’ll start doing it again. Who knows?

Just hang in there. We all get depressed from time to time. It’s ok! But if it gets bad talk to your doc!

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It’s all relative. You’re alive: a lot of people don’t make to see their 20th birthday. In fact there’s millions of kids around the world being physically abused and sexually exploited as we speak and won’t make it to see 10 years old. We have it hard but lots of other people have it harder. If you have a computer, and electricity to run that computer you are among the lucky 50% of people in the world. If you have access to running water, you don’t go to bed hungry every night; if you have an indoor bathroom to crap in and a shower and if you have a warm bed to sleep in each night you are better off than a billion other people around the world. Yeah, life is tough for us but hey, you could be a schizophrenic in some refugee camp in some war torn country. It’s all relative. You have a few things to be grateful for if you look for it.


There are a lot of vicious people in the world. I don’t think you’re entirely at fault. All you can do is try to improve your health mostly. You may have retaliated, I doubt people will remember much. You aren’t responsible for everything, I’m sure, so I wouldn’t worry so much about it.

Well said nick i think many of us needed to hear this


Maybe find something you enjoy like working with animals or do artwork or listen to music. If you feel ugly maybe work on your appearance like lose weight, take care of your skin and hair.

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You really need to reach out to a professional if this is how you are thinking. Especially that last bit.

If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.

You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.

International crisis hotlines:

Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:

More resources:

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Your not ugly, but one can always improve on how they look like losing weight, taking care of one’s hair, wearing natural looking makeup or getting cosmetic procedures. Feeling good about oneself.

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