I feel so alone and broken. I dont know what to do anymore

I feel so sad all the time thinking about what my life has become. It only seems to get worse and is causeing me suicidal thoughts because i see others and it makes me depressed.

I dont feel attractive at all due to many things and now all i want to do is crawl in to a hole and die. I never want to be seen ever again.

Im never going to be truly loved and im never going to acheive what i want because of this poxy illness. I cannot work full time and i need to to be able to be able to afford moving out and living on my own.

I dont see a point to anything no longer and im feeling very sad. I just want to know that im not alone because every day more and more it seems like i am in everything and even my personal struggles.

I dont think anyone else was stupid enough to have done the things i have done in life and now i feel deflated and lost.

Most people either have a career or have children and it seems like i cant do neither because no one will love me and im not bright enough to be able to do something im so tired of putting on a happy face for others when all i want to do is cry. Im done so done.

I know i keep putting posts like this but i really dont want to feel so alone im tired of it


I’m sorry @anon15119022.

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I feel the same! I’ll be 40 in s couple of months. I was 30 when I got sick. Since then I’ve been bedridden.

Just hang in there. You sound to be a little depressed. I know I am from time to time.

Are you on any meds? What kind of therapy are you receiving?


Im only on meds for schizophrenia i tried antidepressants for a couple of days ut it affected my restless leg syndrome and i needed to come off


If you spend all of your time thinking of how miserable you are you’re just going to make yourself even more miserable. Go outside for a walk. Drink some tea. Read a book. Get your mind in a different space.


Its just that little things remind me of how bad it is and i cant sleep because of it.

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It sounds to me that you need to try another med, and also receive some kind of therapy. You have a lot on your mind!

I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling. I also think about the loss of youth, not being able to date, not having children, working, studying, traveling etc. It sucks!

We all have these thoughts! This is a part of this illness!


You’ve developed the habit of ruminating over misfortune. You need to replace the bad habit with a healthier one. Start small. Go for a daily walk and enjoy what you see. Do that one small thing and then add another.


I suppose so. I just feel so sad that i never really got a chance tbh

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I was prodromal for 4-5 years before my psychotic break. It’s like I’ve been on a hellish rollercoaster with it’s ups and dips for 15 years.

I’m fairly stable these days. I don’t dwell that much on my depression.

I never got the chance either. I also was too shy insecure when growing up so I never developed self- reliance.

How long have you been sick? What meds are you on for now?

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I know it may be hard but, for me personally, it came down to a choice between life and death. If you want to have a life, start doing things that will cultivate good things for you. Go out and meet people, learn a skill that is in demand for a career (programming is a good idea). Do something to make your tomorrow better than today. That will give you meaning and a purpose and gradually your life will become livable again. But you have to start somewhere, so start here and now.


I have been sick for quite some time i was diagnosed at 18 now 23 bur i suspect i was ill for longer before that as i was never normal .

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Im on oylanzapine

You are still young!

You need to find the right meds that keep you stable. You main issue now is that you seem to be depressed and sad.

I’d urge you to talk to your doc. Tell them about your worries.

I’m on vraylar, zyprexa and paxil. These keep me fairly stable. It took a couple of years finding the right meds. But after trying out a few I started feeling better.

Sure I have my days when I feel like absolute sh-it. But so do we all!

You’re not alone. But I think talk therapy would be good for you like @Speedy said, you have a lot on your mind.

You come across as intelligent and likeable. Not at all like the image of yourself that you have in your head!


Dealing with depression is hard. Remember there’s change with change things can improve.i sound like a counselor I’m sorry.

I hate time as I am standing still with no prospect. No girlfriend, no job, no friends, nothing substantially. While people make a life for themself I am wasting away:(

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I’m also without a girlfriend, without a job at 21 years old, I go through sadness sometimes, but talking to trusted people and going to therapy helps me a little

@shutterbug is right. Your life may suck but sitting around just thinking about it all day isn’t going to help, it will just make things worse.

All us schizophrenics have lost a lot. But even though it’s a fact of the disease, people still do things in their life. You will never have a great, problem-free life, it just isn’t going to happen. Life is going to be a struggle but it doesn’t mean you can’t get something out of life and it doesn’t mean you give up. You have it hard, I have it hard, everybody on here has a hard life. But if you read enough threads you’re going to see positive things happening in other schizophrenics lives.

For one thing, I see lots of people have boyfriends or girlfriends. A lot of people work or go to school. If you can’t do those things than find something else.

When I first got sick at age 19 in 1980 it was horrible. I didn’t know what was happening to me, all I knew was that I was suffering terribly. I spent the first year and a half of my disease in a dirty old group home in a bad neighborhood sleeping in a tiny room on an old mattress on the floor. I had nothing; no friends, no money, no car, no job, no school and certainly no girlfriend. I saw no hope, I could never picture myself working again or even ever getting out of that house. I was psychotic and in such bad shape that I didn’t even consider getting a job or going to school.

After I got kicked out of there I was put in the hospital for 8 months. Again, more unbelievable suffering. I was a naive, unworldly 20 year old living in a hospital with 75 other patients, half who had been in jail or lived in the streets. So for months I paced around while my fellow patients spent the day, screaming and yelling at each other and arguing and fighting with one another. I kept a low profile and mainly kept to myself.

I survived the hospital and moved into a nice group home. 9 months later I got a job, three months after that I moved into supported housing. A few months later I got a car. Three months after getting my car I enrolled in college. And I got friends and had a life. But anyone who knew me those first two years of psychosis would never have thought in a million years I would ever do anything or get anything out of life. I was in sad shape in the beginning. Now you may not get everything I got but you have a chance to get something. I was in bad shape in the beginning, I often felt suicidal, hopeless and like giving up. But now I’m looking back on working almost 39 years, I only need one more class for my degree. I’ve had cars, friends, traveled a tiny bit and done all kinds of fun things.

I could sit here and think of all the things I missed out on or all the things I never had that other people have. I don’t want to discount your suffering, suffering is very real and so is loss. I could sit here and think of everything I don’t have or I could sit here and plan to get a good nights sleep, have a good breakfast, get my hair cut and then drive to my sisters house. Hey, I got problems like everybody else, I have many character defects and things I don’t like about myself, sometimes my personal problems seem worse than my schizophrenia symptoms. But I will work on them.

Maybe you have nothing now but things change. You’re going through a particularly hard time but once you gain a little acceptance of your disease and adjust to the fact that many of us face: namely we’re not going to have the three bedroom home on a nice street with the white picket fence, three kids playing in the front yard, the dream job and the degree. Plenty of people don’t get what they want, Not everybody gets what they want out of life and everybody has problems. I wish I could tell you exactly what to do to make yourself feel better but all I can say is: take your medication, talk to the doctors, try to have family support or a therapists support. Things may look hopeless now but with a little work and effort and a little luck you could change your life for the better. Good luck. I wish you well.


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