Whats is it like to be with schizophrenia while childhood
I am always grateful to god to be ill while i was 20 y old i am 28 y old now
Me too I wonder if its possible to have it since childhood ? I was suicidal since kid, with mostly negative emotions in me which made me almost insensible. well, some docs say its not sz if I have it since kid, but its possible… My life was ruined to have it since kid. I have desperate parents about me etc etc. Its hard yes, but maybe there is still hope
p.s. oh, but I guess if you have it since kid, you have some extraordinary experiences too lol
I had episodes of psychosis when I was little, it wasnt noticed until I officially became psychotic at sixteen, I remembered having fears of being murdered, being watched through cracks in the walls, thinking the world would end. seeing people in the garden and ghosts in the house, hearing music and seeing orbs. Mum said she used to see Me watch and follow things with my eyes as a baby that they couldn’t see, “watching faries” is what they called it. somethinh would trigger me off and I’d be like I am now only less ramped up, I could be a kid still, I was low ability until I turned twelve when I caught up and by 14 I was top of my year which is when I became aware of how different I was and I became prodromal.
I wouldnt even want to think how it is being a kid with full blown schiz that isnt helped by hugs or dream catchers or a protection amulet that my mum would say would protect me. I can’t imagine how you would place a child on AP’s…or the effects is has on them.
After my mom died I started seeing things and hearing voices. I was 14. They put me on millerill. Which worked
I was psychotic as a child. As long as i can remember I’ve been seeing and hearing things that others couldn’t. My parents told me I just had an active imagination. But when it kept getting worse they started calling me attention seeking. I was “over reacting” and “shouldn’t disturb them when they were busy.”
When I was in school I constantly disrupted class cause I was talking to spirits. They misdiagnosed me with adhd. They put me on stimulants that absolutely destroyed my body. I became convinced that it was poison and mind control especially since my parents did everything to force them on me. (This is also when I first split and got my first alter)
Then they put me in drug trials for new adhd medication which literally almost killed me my visions became stronger I became convinced that everything I did was part of a science experiment. I was always being watched I wanted a way out so I tried to end my life. I was 9.
After that they removed me from the drug trials and everything calmed down for a little while I still wasn’t 100% but I wasn’t suicidal so it was an improvement. But then my psychiatrist started to abuse me not that she had been great before but she started to get slowly more and more out of line.
I tried to speak out against her in the beginning but she kept convincing my parents that I was just making up stories and lying. And the drugs I was on (wellbutrin and ritalin) were only exacerbating things.
By the time I was 12 I couldn’t tell what was real from what was not. The spirits were getting violent and I agreed with them. I started getting into fights over insults people didn’t say I started to hurt myself.
I only had one real friend who I could talk to. other than that I’d talk to spirits and i guess id just be mumbling to myself and laughing at jokes no one else could hear.
I was convinced everybody there was against me and all working with my psychiatrist to try to kill me. I tried to stab a kid with scissors cause I was so convinced he was gonna kill me.
This unfortunately gave my psychiatrist more control over me. She convinced my parents that I was a very unstable psychopath. While she continued to do whatever she wanted to me. I was losing my damn mind. She started to prescribe antipsychotics.
The voices were telling me how I needed to die cause I was why the world was suffering everything was my fault. I deserved pain
I sank deeper into delusion cause it was my only escape. I believed I was a demon being punished for doing horrible things to people. I also believed other demons were trying to kill me under my psychiatrists orders but they could only do it if I took the meds cause the meds would weaken me enough that I could die.
I tried to kill myself 6 times.
But then one day I finally got away from my psychiatrist after a very explosive incident. And things again started to improve.
Now I’m 23 and I’m not perfect but I’m better than I was. I still struggle with some of my “delusions” but they don’t overly interfere with my life all the time. And I still “hallucinate” but the spirits aren’t as mean.
So yeah this has been my TEDtalk
I had strong delusions at 13. Before that I wasn’t really delusional but could always just sit in a corner and live in my head, imagining and seeing things. My brothers weren’t like this, they had to be actually doing something in the external world. So I think I’ve been schizo/autist my whole life.
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