Schizophrenia at a young age

Hello friends,

I hope all of you are doing well.

So, as some of you might know, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was 17. I heard from my doctor that my case was earlier than everyone else. I started having symptoms as early as I can remember- at age 7, I remember telling my mom about ‘watching a movie’ played by shadows and lights. I actually saw shadows and lights. I thought it was my imagination, but I remember vividly that I would see them before I go to bed.

At age 14, I started to have full-blown psychotic episodes. But, as a person with multiple disabilities, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and severe disc herniation. Because of this (and with all the surgery and stuff) we didn’t care much about it. It was until 2013 that I became so ill that I had to be committed. I finally received my diagnosis when I was in my last year of high school- which the school rejected me (because I had schizophrenia) from the school trip I’ve been waiting for so long.

Does anyone here had symptoms at an early age, and was diagnosed at a young age? I unfortunately had adolescent schizophrenia- I wish that I was treated early for it.

Thinking of you all. <3

I have most likely always had schizophrenia, but the pdocs thought it was ADHD when I was young, and never bothered to investigate further.
I got my sz diagnosis at 21 after pushing my new pdocs for a diagnosis.

I’ve always had symptoms, but they got worse when I reached puberty.

I think you’ll find a lot of people here have had symptoms since they were teenagers or younger. I wasn’t diagnosed until later like 19 or 20 but I definitely had symptoms since like 14. Got really bad at 19 though

I noticed being withdrawn age ten
Age eleven I had anxiety
Age 16 paranoia started
Age 18 got diagnosed

I wasn’t Dx’d until age 32, but nothing had changed as far as I was concerned, my thinking that alarmed the pdoc was my ‘normal’ as I knew it.

I wonder how the pdocs tell the difference between what ‘normal’ kids think and Sz kids think?

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