Schizophrenia and getting old

who here has schizophrenia for many years, have the symptoms changed over time and how??


14 years and counting , I get better some months and few days in spiral.

Overall sz is not that bad for me !


24 odd years with schizophrenia. It has got easier for me as ive got older. Im 50 this year.


I’ve been on meds for 13 years.

Things get a bit better every year but it’s a painstakingly slow process.


My symptoms haven’t changed much in nature.

Like at all.

How I cope with them has gotten much, much better now though.


41 years at least, living with sza. My symptoms wax and wane continuously over my lifetime. As I get older, I cope better and therefore don’t have to be hospitalized for my symptoms anymore.

Also, as I’ve gotten older, past age 45, I no longer get depressed and suicidal like I did in my youth so, I am not hospitalized for suicidal ideation anymore.


Same for me.



I got diagnosed in 1980 at age 19 so I’ve had schizophrenia 43 years. The symptoms were pretty intense in the beginning, it required me to be in the hospital 8 months at one point. When I got out I became pretty stable within a year but I had a relapse at age 28 requiring several more hospitalizations. I got better again and was doing pretty good but still suffering from symptoms.

When I got into my mid 40’s my symptoms started to get better; they got less intense and some delusions went away. I slowly got better and at around age 55 I started experiencing peace of mind and my mind slowed down and in the following years I got better. Now at age 62 I’ve been through some stuff that I’m just pulling out of and when no ones bugging me or I think no ones bugging me I sometimes forget about my symptoms and think more about my life and the future. I have hope I’ll get even better.


I’ve been dealing with it since I was 17. I’m 40 now. My symtoms have got better over the years. Much better due to medication and self help.

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I was diagnosed with sz (now diagnosed with sza bipolar) in the early 1980s. I’ll be 60 next month. My environment has improved, and that has helped a lot.

That said, my symptoms are pretty much unchanged.

Thanks for sharing to all i Hope i will get better with time

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Ive got worse with age mentally my mind is more distracted and find it hard to think straight

Im 45 and im less suicidal than in my 30s

Meds are going up every year so im worried about that, that there may come a point when they stop working

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Iam sorry i Hope you are gonna get better

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When I was younger my negative symptoms were much less but had more positive and depressive symptoms, I was suicidal and had voices insulting me and telling me to kill myself. Now even when I go off meds I don’t get suicidal or get negative voices, instead i get grandiose and paranoid

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i m dealing with this disease since 13 and medicated over 14 41 years old

I’ve had sza for 32 years. Things have improved with age and, perhaps, the better medications that are available now. I no longer experience intense suicidal ideation and altho I still sometimes self harm it’s not as serious as it was when I was younger (i.e. I no longer need stitches). I’m better able to accept my limitations and be okay with them, too.

I think I’ve had schizophrenia 27 years.:crazy_face::slightly_smiling_face:

I had horrible voices torture me mentally etc in my twenties but thankfully they went away and I haven’t had voices for sixteen years or so thankfully.

I had delusion water was poisoned n few other things about thirteen years ago or so.

Thankfully I’m ok at moment.

Voices and moanes etc was mental psychological torture to me 24/7 pretty much.
Better that stopped.

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I was diagnosed with sz in 1987. My voices and visuals have died down over the years and I don’t suffer much from them. I feel totally burned out though. I am only on two meds and they are low dosage. When I could handle no more things got better.

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