I think she’s trying to threaten me… and not in the cute “paranoid sz” way that I’ve come to know and love LOL, but I think I’ve pissed her off and she LEGITIMATELY threatened me.
I wasn’t actually diagnosed with sz until almost 5 years ago, after 9 long years of a PTSD and OCD diagnosis hanging on from right after my symptoms started. My original doc thought PTSD because my very first psychotic break happened after some a$$#@le drugged me without telling me, so I had a horrifying trip while driving. Thought I got into an accident, thought I was mangled and dying/dead, blahblahblah… Fast forward a few years, I’ve alienated myself from a lot of family & friends, been through a few more doctors, and have a handful of brand new delusions that rotate in and out with me being dead. FINALLY dx’ed by a new psychiatrist (who was a goddess-send) in 2016 when I had another psychotic break.
My CURRENT psychiatrist (whom I’ve seen about 5x now) got SUPER pissed when I told her a few weeks ago that I’ve decided to take a more holistic/spiritual approach to treatment and NOT increase my Seroquel at her suggestion. I know what you’re going to say, and I know all of the facts/statistics are stacked against me on this, but I TRULY have done better than I have in 15 years since cutting back traditional medication, going to the gym 3-4x/wk, studying/reading to fill the handful of free minutes in the day, and focusing on Grounding and Centering myself! Bottom line, it’s working for me…
My doc was FURIOUS at this, and immediately told me all the stats and ‘facts’ about SZ patients (btw, does it infuriate anyone else when people assume they know exactly what it’s like for all of us because they’ve READ all about it??), and then told me that she may have to dismiss me as a patient from her office (including my therapist) if I choose to pursue this further. I didn’t waiver, told her that would be awful but I understood her position and all of the ‘facts’, but I still feel good about my choice. She then said “This is actually pretty textbook thinking for SZ, I don’t know if you knew THAT, and I’m sorry to say it always goes the same way. It’s true that you might feel good for a while, symptoms can go into a sort of remission from time to time, but you WILL have another psychotic break. It’s just a matter of when, and how bad will it be.” She was even more frustrated that she couldn’t change my mind, and then completely changed course on me… she said “I think I’d like to go ahead and see you twice as often for a little while. So go ahead and schedule biweekly appointments from today.” I was agreeing, thought we were saying goodbye, then she said it. “I want to let you know, I’m considering changing your diagnosis to PTSD. Your delusion could very well be simply the aftermath of your initial trauma, I just wanted to let you know.”
I was BLOWN AWAY. I said “Well, I can see why my doctors thought that in 2006, but I have had a handful of pretty severe breaks since then, and several brand new delusions have popped up that have nothing to do with that incident.” She literally cut me off from responding and just kept telling me to set my next appointments, and HUNG UP.
So, AM I just being PARANOID, or does it TOTALLY sound like she’s threatening to f$#@ up my diagnosis and medical charts if I don’t go back on the monstrous dose of Seroquel she’s suggesting?!? I dont understand AT ALL why she would just completely change her perception of my condition mid-conversation… I’ve called and messaged her office 3-4 times since then, and she won’t answer or return my messages!!! After telling my husband, he offered to go see her and explain my condition from his perspective, and I’ve been journaling to take with me to her office, but I’m freaking out… I see her again tomorrow.