He basically said he doesn’t think sz was the underlying cause and he said i may have been misdiagnosed,
I was assessed in hospital, i was monitored for a month under supervision in hospital, i have notes about my symptoms after i was released for years, positive symptoms, negative symptoms, side effects, everything, i had a suicide attempt as well
But now bc i am doing really well on meds he somehow thinks i haven’t got it now, and i’m like ‘have you even read my notes?’
its strange bc he didnt even mention meds and although he tried to explain i was in shock and he basically threw me out the building i have phoned and phoned and they said they were going to get back to me but they havent, i need to phone them again, if it doesnt make sense then i’ll be like i want a second opinion.
my new diagnosis is ‘anxious dependent personality traits’ idk wtf its supposed to mean, i looked it up and it makes no sense, i can see bits here and there from the whole spectrum of personality disorder but its nothing serious, just because i am doing well on meds its fkd up.
yeah i know what you mean, i have only seen him about 8 times over 2 years i think, it not much tbh and not for long, i try and give him a good report on my recovery but i let him know what i have struggled with as well,
i dont want a sz diagnosis and i feel better without it but its part of me now, i’ve been told all my life that there is no cure and now all of a sudden i am sz free, i still take meds for it so i dont see how he can change it without changing meds or something and i dont want anybody messing with my meds,
also the diagnosis kind of secured my income and now i think its at risk, i need the money i get and if it was reduced i would struggle.
I was misdiagnosed twice. Once with SZ then Bipolar then SZA. It’s good to get a second or even third diagnose, just to see a perspective from a different pdoc.
I am hoping my psychiatrist changes my diagnosis at our next visit because I want to fly again.
I am already a permanently and totally disabled veteran. The VA tells me that can’t change but I will feel better after I have held the rating for ten years.
Pdocs can sometimes be ignorant and not very intelligent. Even they’ll sometimes resort to " You can’t have this as you are doing well on meds " . The equal and opposite to that is “You must have a personality disorder instead because the medication isn’t working as well as we’d like”
Theoretically this is true but in actuality treatment can be dictated by diagnosis. For example take bipolar vs borderline . Get misdiagnosed with borderline and you may only get therapy as treatment instead of much needed mood stabilisers.
Yes this is true, I was basically referring to my two diagnoses.
The treatment plans between schizoaffective disorder - bipolar type and bipolar type 1 with psychotic features are very similar.
if it helps my pdoc diagnosed me schizo at first but once I relayed to her i was still feeling negatively she changed it to schizoaffective which isn’t a huge deal but its a big deal to me because it’s more accurate now
yeah, i hear you guys, its just really confusing me, i think i’ve made progress but at the same time i still take meds, i tried coming off meds but went mental again last year in july/aug,
@firemonkey i did think the p/doc was either extremely intelligent and knows exactly what he is doing or pretty dumb and is making a huge faux pas lol
@MissPrissy352 it might be less than that, i started seeing him about 2 years ago and i see him about 3 times a year i discharged my cpn nurse in 2013 but i can still phone them or go in and speak to someone if i need to. i think the hands off approach works for me since i am stable