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Awww. Leave it up to nice ole @Moonbeam to remind us of the nice things from childhood.
Do some of those characters not realize that they are half naked?
Wish I could get away with that. If I went out dressed as Pooh they would stick me in the dark.
Poohs shirt is way too small for him. He definantly has a dad bod
You funny mon.
Someday soon Eyore is going to jump off a cliff. Guess I would too if I had a strip of leather pinned on my ass.
I’m having a dilemma. I had a coffee about a couple hours ago, and I’m debating on taking my meds in 30 minutes, or watching a movie for a little while and taking them at 1am.
What do ya guys think I should do?
Cut the pill in half and take half now and half after the movie
That’s a really good idea, I have a pill cutter but my Loxapine is one of those slow release/capsule pills. Technically I could do that with the Citalopram though.
@Rainstorm I’ll just take them all in a few minutes. No worries.
I’m back up. Was able to sleep some more.
Just had a coffee.
Enjoying the cool of the morning.
I was just joking you probably shouldn’t do that sorry lol
Having breakfast rn, woke up not long ago, may go back to sleep for a little more after this.
Oh! Well I ended up taking my night meds so it’s all good.
Heffalumps and WOOZLES
Good morning
It’s 4am got 3 hours of sleep.
Hiya peeps. How y’all doing
I wish I knew how to deal with paranoia
I don’t know how to pass my time today, got nothing to be doing aside from prepping for my final interview but I don’t know what else to do aside from STAR technique examples.
Sing? [simply a suggestion]