Say Anything C is for Cat

I ate too much this evening too.


Hey, thatā€™s traditional! The T-day Bloat! :yum: Thatā€™s whatā€™s nice about living by myself, I make as much as I want, I eat as much as I want, and I donā€™t get the psychic pressure from Mom ā€œhave another biscuit! Thereā€™s plenty of turkey left!ā€ and I can just kick back and do something relatively interesting :film_strip:


bought a course for 17 bucks on udemy. usually im much more into the free realms but this one seems quite helpful. its for a mobile developement framework called flutter. gonna make some mobile apps for fun :slight_smile:


Heya iconoclsst_01. I just wanted to thank you yesterday for being supportive while I was hearing voices. It definitely helped. Much appreciated.

Glad you and @anon54988740 had a good meal. Despite our stomach aches we ate some delicious food.


Sounds like a fun hobby. Any app ideas you have in mind? I donā€™t know the first thing about coding or programming. I once thought about an app idea that would search for the cheapest beers locally based on brand. I think it might be successful. Not trying to encourage drinking but I think an idea like that might be worthwhile if you could get it to work.


I just got through watching a Vietnam War documentary with commentary on by the director.

It was pretty fascinating. Some of the images in the film were very stressful to watch. It kinda motivated me a little bit to get involved in politics and fight future policies that drag America into war.


Iā€™m not to sure exactly what I want to make yet but Iā€™ll experiment.

Maybe a video roulette YouTube player. You enter in a genre and max length of video and itā€™ll randomly pick a video for you?

Lol just thought of it now. :sweat_smile:


I made a fun desktop app for my gf. It asked to enter a pets name that we have or had and it would open up a video clip of them


The beer one could be cool :+1::+1:

I could make another randomizer one called spin the bottle and itā€™ll give you a random choice of the cheapest beer or tastiest or most hops etcā€¦

I like randomizers :joy:


V had better be for Velociraptor this time or there will be sore ankles everywhere.



Iā€™m with you on that one. T had better be for Tyrannosaurus Rex or else everyone will have to beware of using portopoties.

Weā€™re going to rig the vote. Disencfrachise voters beforehand.


Hey Mr.V good to see you around :blush:


Will be disappearing for a bit again. I passed the class portion of my course with 98%, but I still have the final on Dec 6. Need to cram for that puppy. Thankfully my class mark was high enough that I only need 55% to pass the final, but I want to get above 90 as a matter of pride.


Sorry to hear that after you have just got back :slightly_frowning_face:, but we will be here when you return. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


Good job!! Iā€™ve been doing some software development stuff. Keepin the learning wheel moving


I met a Navy Seal today. He came across as a bad ass level-headed dude. His relatives are far away so he brought his family over for Thanksgiving dinner. We tried to make it as close to a family dinner with as we could. When his kid was playing with Nerf guns he said to his kid, ā€œNever aim at anything you donā€™t intend to kill.ā€ I tried to avoid bringing up his service because I didnā€™t want to make him feel uncomfortable during their visit. The subject came up though I didnā€™t initiate it. I made sure to thank him for his service. There was definitely a wild look in his eye when he mentioned his tours in Iraq. I think when I pray Iā€™ll pray for his safety as well as others.


Hereā€™s one.

Iā€™ll call it ā€œDONT BOOPā€
Itā€™ll be a picture of a frowning Shiba inu doggo. and when you boop his snoot he smile very happy.

And itā€™ll keep score who didnā€™t boop the longest. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Thatā€™s awesome man. Good job on thanking him for his service. Us military and veterans appreciate the support. :slight_smile:


Good luck on the final btw.

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For sure. I have respect for anyone who has dawned the uniform. I honestly donā€™t know how veterans feel talking about their service. I think theyā€™re accustomed to people asking questions but I generally try to avoid it so as not to bring up any would be bad memories. I do make sure to thank people for their service. Especially after my friendā€™s brother passed away in Iraq. He put his life on the line for this country. You did too. Thanks Monte. Youā€™re a bad ass too. All that aside you have a very kind heart and I consider you my friend. May life be good to you, friend.