28 days later zombies are not zombies. They have not come back from the dead. Plus they don’t eat brains.
No they are more like rabid people.
Plus they are very fast. I appreciate not all zombies are slow but the 28 days later zombies are very fast indeed
Just had a thought. Is Adam, Frankenstein’s monster, a zombie?
I mean he comes back from the dead but doesn’t eat brains. He seems to have too high a level of cognitive and emotional reasoning to fit the zombie definition
Lol. I’ve never been into zombies, but now I feel more educated !
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To be honest I must defer to @anon4362788 on matters of zombiefication. She is very learned in this subject
you should study zombieism jim
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Get a phd in the subject lol
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28 Days Later people are Infected, not zombies.
A zombie is either a live person drugged and enslaved by a voodoo practitioner OR a person/animal brought back from death with a taste for flesh.
So resident evil folk are Infected?
Some are. There’s also some regular zombies.
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Speaking of zombies, I just watched Army of the Dead. Oh my gods. Awful movie.
World war z are Infected then. Although in the movie they show a dismembered hand still moving
zombie movies and alien movies scare me. I want to watch all the walking dead shows.
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In the uk Disney plus just got the rights to show the walking dead back catalogue
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WwZ book zombies are actually zombies. They screwed up with the movie.
The Walking Dead is the best zombie show out there for realism.
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Yeah I heard that the movie was pretty lame compared to the book
Here’s a zombie in a music video !
The book is a collection a survivor stories. Pretty good
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for a minute I thought you meant “army of darkness” one of my favorite movies…no zombies though.
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If you want a fun zombie show, Z Nation is hilarious.
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