Ruminating about the big "D" i.e death

Does anyone else think about death?

I don’t want to die, but I’m 52 now.

Lets say I could have lived till 80 without schizophrenia. Take 15 years off that because of schizophrenia. That makes 65.

Just over a decade of life left.

Still it’s enough time to “get my affairs in order” I guess.

Life is too short.


I would depress everyone with my thoughts on death.

But I do think about it a lot, maybe everyday since I could remember.

Life is too long imo.


I often think about my own personal death. Its somewhere out there waiting for me. Knowing that some day im going to die and that theres no force in the world that can guarentee that ill live past the moment brings me clarity of mind.

The last dance you dance, you dance alone.

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Except for the issue of getting affairs in order, I don’t see the need to focus on death while you are living. There is nothing you can do about it. It’s coming eventually for all of us regardless. I would try to focus your attention elsewhere.


Personally, until I’m proven wrong, I stand by my belief that I’m immortal.


I’ve been thinking about death every day for years. I have a fear of being killed but I don’t know by what. I don’t have anything left to accomplish in life so I’m not worried about death, I just don’t want to be killed.


I do wonder what happens when we die, if anything.


I only think about my own death when I’m feeling paranoid. Like, worried about a random person stabbing me at the train station. Stuff like that. Just paranoia.

But I think about the possibility of my husband dying, like all the time. I’m terrified he’ll get into a car accident, or other things. I’m more scared of losing him than I am about myself being lost.

I hope I at least make it to my 70’s, though.


Im just one year older than you @everhopeful and i think too much about death, even when i’m happy.

I am tired, i have been living a rough life, and want to keep on as long as i can, but not frightened about the end.

I think of it as “the raisin at the end of the sausage” (as we say in danish)


I almost killed myself several times in the past when off meds. On meds AP I still think about suicide a lot but I don’t act on it.


i constantly think of death as there is a lot of death around me starting when i was young to now

i just want to go to sleep and never wake again


Thinking about death is my normal. I want to die. I want to live. And I want eternal life in a better world. But I think I need rejuvenation before that. So what can I expect? I need to appreciate this world and this life but I’m really unhappy. By the way, any English majors can answer a question I have: is it proper English grammar to start a sentence with the word “but”?

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Here too… it is difficult to talk about.

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I worry more about my parents death more than I do my own.


I’m a hypochodriac so I think about my death a lot. I’m scared of dying, i want my consciousness to be eternal.

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It’s the journey, not the destination.


I thought i was going to die so many times. I had deadlines and due dates on my life and every time it turned out to be false. I didn’t know that though and got my affairs in order over and over again. When it finally comes time for me to die, it will be a gentle surrender. I’ve already seen death’s face a million times. I live every day with the knowledge that i will die some day. If you really live every second to the fullest, in the reality of what is happening now, you can go without regret. I try not to look forward to it too much but i look forward to being nothing for a bit. It’ll be a nice break


I was surrounded by death all the time when i was care assisting. It dont really bother me.

Im 47 - so i reckon i got about 15 years left. Cancer is rampant in my family, so odds on im gonna cop that.

Ive got a pre-paid cremation plan when the time comes.


I am 60. I keep thinking “ten years from 70.” or “20 years to 80”…ten more years or twenty more years…still a long time…I hope to grow very old.


If you have fun,
life is short.
If you suffer,
life is long.