Rexulti side effects

Did any of you develop addictions and hypersexuality from it? I already know some users here developped addictions and hypersexuality from Abilify. The FDA warns about these for both Abilify and Rexulti. Health Canada just warns about Abilify but Rexulti is a new med in Canada and isn’t well studied yet.

Pdr refused to prescribe it at first saying it will cause same addiction problems as Abilify. He said its similar to Abilify. But last month he precribed it after I whined about negative symptoms too much. I didn’t pickup the prescription and told him to cancel it during the last apt.

Nope. Wasn’t any hornier than before. My addictions were all pre-existing and are under control.

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I am scared of having nasty addictions again. It was pretty hard to get rid of them and accepting to stop Abilify.

What about Abilify? Only some ppl do get these side effects.

Since you are on edge, i mean a slight reduction in ap dose creating positive symptoms like paranoia, anxiety etc its not safe to take such drugs that’s why pdr refused it.

That was long enough ago that I can’t remember specifics other than my nickname for it was disabilify. It didn’t do it for me – pdoc pulled me off it pretty quickly.

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That’s not why, I was stable on Abilify. Its because of addictions and hypersexuality like I said in my first post.

Actually this hyper sexuality, uncontrollable addictions is a form of positive symptom.

Dude you make no sense. I didn’t have these when I was without meds for 1-2 years, I had severe positive symptoms.

Ppl have addictions without having positive symptoms. They’re unrelated.

Hyper sexuality, high mood is a positive symptom, it can come under mania, hypomania category.

I don’t have schizoaffective. I just have schizophrenia. And these were too extreme to be mania. Its severe addictions.

I am so unlucky with meds but at least they worked on my positive symptoms.

See this video of a guy, listen to his talks it seem so normal.

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I wasn’t hyper like that, I was normal no racing and no illogical thoughts. Its not mania, its pure addictions.

Only if there was a med to treat addictions…

When you get these hypersexual, uncontrollable addictions like impulsive spending etc the mood can almost appear like this guy but unaware of it at that time.

Dude I know myself, I wasn’t like that. The Dr would have diagnosed me with mania otherwise. My mood has always been normal. I am telling you and what the FDA is warning about: Uncontrollable addictions.

Why then not all who take ablify not experience these uncontrollable addictions?