Can Rexulti cause recklessness like abilify?

When I was on abilify I had severe hypersexuality and a lot of people get gambling and shopping addictions. I’ve heard people mention that ablify and rexulti are similar, and now since increasing my rexulti dose I’ve been spending a TON of money that I really can’t afford to spend. I’ve never in my life had a problem staying under budget before and now I’m out here buying this and that for no real reason. Mx LED is saying I’m just not depressed, but I really don’t think that’s it. My pdoc appoint ment is Friday and I plan to bring it up, just curious if anyone else experienced anything similar?

  • I’ve taken Rexulti and had reckless behavior
  • I’ve taken Rexulti and did not have reckless behavior
  • I’ve not taken Rexulti
  • I’ve taken Abilify and had reckless behavior
  • I’ve taken Abilify and did not have reckless behavior
  • I’ve not taken Abilify

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I’ve had problems with spending money when I shouldn’t too @LED. It’s easy to do.
Hope you can figure out what to do when you see your pdoc.

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Brexpiprazole is supposed to be variant of aripiprazole so I can see why it can have similar effect.

I had taken aripiprazole for a month.

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Did you have any recklessness with it? I’ve been on the brexpiprazole for almost a year now, but just recently increased the dose and it’s not going well.

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Where you on Rexulti? I’ve always been really really good with my money because I"ve always been so poor, so this is so unlike me! I’ve never been in debt before, but I honestly don’t know if I’ll manage to pay off my credit card this month. I’m so ashamed. Like, I have always prided myself on being responsible and now it’s like I"m doing all the wrong things and even though I know it’s a bad idea, I can’t really manage to stop myself from doing it.

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I take Fanapt, never taken Rexulti.
It’s weird, I used to get a high off of spending money on weird stuff. A lot of it was stuff to collect, not even stuff that was useful. I’d just get a buzz buying it and stashing it in my closet. I’d almost always regret buying it later when I was more stable.
I don’t beat myself up too much about it anymore. I figure I just need to mellow out and do my best to pay it off.
It’s sucks being in debt though. It will probably be into next year before I can clear off the debt on my credit.

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I actually did a clinical trial for Abilify. But I stopped taking it after the study.

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Ability is a two eked sword. On the one side does
It improve such negatives as anhedonia and motivationally issues. On the other side that can lead to rectless spending and hyper sexuality.


Yeah, I’m finding the same with rexulti, unfortunately. I don’t know what mania feels like, but this feels like how people describe that a tiny bit. Like, I can actually get up and do things. I"m making things almost every day lately. But I’ve also spent hundreds of dollars in the last few days and we don’t have that much to spare right now.

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Hope you can get your finances under control @LED. Glad you’re able to keep busy though.

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No. Doc prescribed me aripiprazole due to elevated prolactin level which didn’t need treatment to begin with. I was bit obsessed about levels that’s why he wrote it.
I started having strange feeling in face. Strange uneasiness. Which could be early akathisia or compound effect of taking two APs. So I stopped after a month.

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@Aziz had issues with Abilify


My spending was out of control on Abilify. Now on risperidone I rarely spend money. I don’t even order restaurant food anymore, once only so far this year. On Abilify I ordered restaurant food everyday. My negative symptoms were better on Abilify though but I felt impulsive.

So, she said it was definitely the Rexulti. :-1: I’ve felt amazing with essentially zero negative symptoms. It’s been so wild doing everything I want to do. But it is no more. She took me off the Rexulti, put me back on perphenazine for now. Possibly going to attempt adding in a mood stabilizer then switching back to Rexulti, though, because it’s seriously feel so much better, just also way too dangerous. :weary:

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I took rexulti and it just gave me akathasia.

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