Even though the first few moments feel rewarding in the brain, psychological scientists have found that instead of quenching hostility, revenge prolongs the unpleasantness of the original offense . Instead of delivering justice, revenge often creates only a cycle of retaliation.
İ can not forgive what life gave me.but i want to forgive.i instictly know revenge is stupid thing but as explained above it became a useless and energy consuming habits that always going cycle of retaliation.
What do you think about revenge.do you have any?
Yes same.i met some insidious people did bad thing to me at past and i couldn t take a revenge from them.thats affect my mental health but all scientific papers about revenge advice that i have to accept this and forgive.this revenge cycle turned to political racism at me ( i feed an anger same race who people did bad thing to me but i don t like this because its nonsense ,unproductive and not helpful for my career and mental state)conclusion i have to accept forgiveness but my mind don t accept without proper revenge first
Honestly you don’t always have to forgive what that person did
You shouldn’t try to get revenge but also you don’t have to forgive.
What you need to do is find ways to heal and try to grow despite what happened and sometimes part of that is accepting that what happened was bad and possibly unforgivable.
I’ve heard it said that, “living well is the best revenge”. I don’t know if it will be revenge, but I intend to live the best life I can, and that’s not bad. People buy Big Mac’s for five dollars in McDonald’s, but I am perfectly happy with the “McChicken Sandwich”, for not much more than a dollar. It is the best item on the menu.
A better approach would be to not take the law into your own hands, but instead go through the legal system. Being locked up in a lot of prisons is worse than death.
There was a person that stepped on my foot, and I always wanted to give em a good whack, but I guess time does heal some things…now I just wanna throw em the finger.
I was at a protest years and years ago in my Leftist militant days and this speaker was totally promoting revenge and an eye for an eye type action. Someone just shouted from the crowd. " Fight Fire with Water". It was funny and got a laugh but said speaker was done…a peaceful occupation was the winner…
I’m too old to get revenge on people. Too much drama.
At my age I’ve learned that if someone is doing sketchy, dumb, and illegal ■■■■, then chances are about 99.9% they’ll be caught and prosecuted by the law.
The person who stepped on my foot broke a bone in my foot that hurt for about 5 years I didn’t have the money to get it fixed, it mended and I didn’t lose use of the foot, but it was infuriating, and we were in highschool, I had no clue it had been broken until I saw it swollen permanently in size a little bit, a few years later. I was sedentary so I didn’t feel the pain too much. I kinda assume he wanted to do less damage, maybe just screw up my movement in the current game we were in, but it was still not cool.