Poll: Can you forgive?

  • Yes
  • Not really
0 voters

i dont got the energy anymore to fight or be angry. idk if its an age thing or if i broke something in my mind haha im not complainin about it tho

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Some things,yes…
Others are pending …
But if you ment to forgive as probability,yes…


If you can’t forgive someone that’s done you harm. You will just get resentment.

I was in a therapeutic community for a year, and one thing they taught those that were emotionally abused was to make peace with the aggressor. Otherwise they still hold a power over you.


I mean,only way to forgive your self is to forgive those who hurt you.
But when it comes to bullying as child,I can’t,sorry

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I can forgive yes
But trying to forgive some1 when they repeatedly hurt you is… Not easy :joy:

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Forgiveness is dependant upon the sincerity of the apology.

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for me i dont need an apology. i have forgiven people without them. because one, thinking about them, they dont deserve it. but also if u can find a way to see in what way what they did helped teach u something or helped u grow in some way, then it is a lot easier to forgive them.


I recently was able to forgive everyone. It took a long time though.


I guess it depends on how you define forgiveness. For me it means to not hold a grudge anymore, and not wasting time thinking about the wrongdoing. Forgiving doesen’t mean I accept what happened. It doesen’t even necessarily mean that I like the person again. It simply means moving on.


Congratulations that’s really good.

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@everhopeful ,can you tell something about this thread…
Who can’t you forgive,open your self a bit…

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I don’t forgive 100% because I can’t forget


Some ppl I can forgive more easily than others. It depends on the nature of the pain they inflicted on me.

I try to forgive as much as I can.

And maybe in the future I can forgive more easily
I hope so.

You’re doing good to forgive before apologies
That’s not always the case with me,


Me neither brother…

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I can forgive some things. Others not so much.


I had to forgive (that doesn’t mean I forget) people who took advantage of me, and I also had to forgive my self.

For me, not forgiving leads to hate, and hate is a cancer that consumes me while the person I hate is unaffected.

It’s impossible for me to have a productive, loving and fulfilling life with hate in my heart.

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I’ve got a plan for a person who wronged me 17 years ago. And that’s all I’m going to say.

Well it depends. You dont always need to forgive someone but you also dont need to give that person space in your mind, you need to move on.

So maybe sometimes my method is not forgiven but forgotten :sweat_smile:


i think i use this too. my memory is such â– â– â– â–  it helps a lot. i have to purposefully dig my memory to even remember the name of the person who wronged me the worst.