Restraining order, something else, or nothing at all?

I’m stressed out about how my sister, who I haven’t spoken to in almost a year, because she’s toxic (manipulative, abusive, mean, scary, sometimes dangerous, and she is always starting drama), she dropped by my house, last night.

I stayed in the basement while Hubby went and talked to her, seemed like 20 minutes. Then she left.

I saw my pdoc, this morning. She sort of recommended a restraining order. But I’m just worried that once my sister receives the notice, she’ll freak out and immediately come over to my house in a panic…

I just don’t know what to do…

Do any of you guys have or had similar situations?? Any advice?


My pdoc suggested a restraining order against the ‘thing’ who raped me as a ten year old. Shitty people do not care what is on a piece of paper. Avoidance is my game. Sucks but what can a person do.

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I think you need to be upfront and honest with her and simply tell her to not come over anymore a restraining order is a bit overboard

She literally tried to stab me to death, once. A long time ago. She also tried to kill her best friend. It’s definitely not overboard, a restraining order. She’s violent.


Get the restraining order, but also be willing to enforce it by calling the police when she comes around. If you have to stay in the basement when she’s around then you definitely need to get something on paper showing your fear.

I’m sorry you have to deal with this toxicity. Defend and stand up for yourself and don’t let family guilt you into not pursuing it, if that happens to be a concern. Alternatively you could get some legal council about your options moving forward.

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Thanks for the reply, @Squanchy. I will look into legal council on what I should do.


What’s the age difference?

My sister is 30, about to be 31. I recently turned 29.

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