My daughter may have gotten herself into more trouble right from jail

Yesterday she called to ask for a favor relating to when she gets out on Sunday. Then she just started flipping out and threatens her brother and goes on to say the only reason her friends don’t kick his ass is because she stops them but she could say one word. I hung up. Thought about it a while, then reported it to the Sheriff. He’s going to talk to the DA and see what she thinks about my daughter making threatening phone calls from jail. The Sheriff recommends we both get restraining orders.


I’ve been thinking you need to do this for a while now.

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It breaks my heart but it may be the only way my good sir


I’d get the restraining order. I’m glad you reported it

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I think restraining orders are not that good of a guarantee you won’t be harmed by someone. Maybe you should get a guard dog and put up signs saying “beware of dog”.

So the takeaway is, that her brother (your son) is weak.
This wasn’t a threat, but more so a complaint about her brothers physical shape.
Obviously there is some prison influence. She has a lot of tought girls around herself.

Try hard hard to have to get a restraining order against your daughter. The sheriff recommended it for a good reason though. It’s probably best to get a restraining order against her.

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