I spoke to a rabbi who said I would be indirectly responsible and would be punished accordingly in the world to come, even though my punishment would be lessened if I did everything I could to stop it and it was against my will.
I think I’m blocked but @flowers20 you need to have your own power to decide things for yourself. What someone thinks should be considered but ultimately you need the power to think for yourself.
Your question to him is irrelevant. The entire question is irrelevant because the situation you are describing is never going to happen. You are never going to be taken to N. Korea and made the dictator. You are worrying about hypotheticals that will not happen. I think we should be concentrating on the root of your problem, which is this N. Korea delusion instead of entertaining possible consequences to a situation which will never come to be.
@flowers20 if I remember correctly, you said that you were afraid of being punished because you mentioned North Korea in some raps a long time ago.
Using that same logic, don’t you think that people who have parodied Kim Jung Il and his spawn publicly would have been the first in line to get in trouble?
Like, Seth Rogen and James Franco made a movie about North Korea that got them into hot water:
And Trey Parker and Matt Stone made Team America, which pokes fun at the country’s leadership as well:
These people made millions off their critiques of Kim Jun Il and Co., and live about as normal lives as one can live with celebrity status.
What I’m trying to say is just because you wrote a rap or two mentioning North Korea doesn’t mean they’re gonna come take you away.
I wrote a rap about ISIS not North Korea. And I did some other questionable things too that worry me that I was a terrorist. But even if I wasn’t my devil boyfriend might have set me up.
I think @Schztuna was being sarcastic when she said her ex was the devil @flowers20 .I don’t want you to think someone else believes this too.
I still say we need to concentrate on your delusions and not the potential consequences of your delusions. Your N. Korea belief and the belief that your boyfriend is the devil being foremost among them atm.