Refused therapy - and I am desperate for it

My GP put in a request for therapy for me. I got refused. I may not have had psychosis for almost six years but I struggle everyday. My negative thoughts constantly tire me out.Sometimes it feels like my mind is constantly on the go with it. I can’t think my way out of those thoughts. I have very good insight and I am very very aware of those thoughts then why can’t I just think my way out of these obsessive negative thinking patterns. I am also going down the road of putting myself in debt also. My mother constantly tells me I need to save money. I’m not manic. But I spend A LOT. Urgh I am fed up.

You need to quit spending, and I need to quit drinking. Spending won’t kill you, but it sure will make your life miserable after a while.


Did you tell your doctor? This is bizarre! Im starting therapy in Jan. Fingers crossed.

I have a savings account and if you open one you can automate monthly payments to your savings :innocent:

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Becasue they seem to think I’ve been well for so long I am the last to need help.

I have heard that the UK is terrible with mental health care. I’m sorry. Is that a general truth for universal health care, or is it just a problem in the UK? I have been excited about the possibility of the US converting, but between this story and a few others on here, I’m not so sure.

Seriously the care is good. When you have a physical problem at least you get to choose what hospital you want to go to. At least you can ask for a second opinion. But with MI you are stuck with the same psychiatrist you have no option to change. They like to tell you you have options but experience tells me otherwise.

I feel like that would be different in America because of the tendency to blame every violent act on mental illness. One of the senators is trying to pass a bill to force us into treatment, so I can’t really see them denying anyone. I’m sorry you’re going through this though. Are there any private pay options near you?

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It’s all about priorities. I am pretty stable but still get free weekly appointments with my psychologist. If I need to I can also see a social worker or pdoc. I can even get help with cleaning my apartment and I will get one-time help from someone with personal experience with MI, we’re going to go to a café where I can meet other people with MI to socialize and get cheap food and coffee. All of this is free. I get my meds packed in individual morning, evening and bedtime doses at the same place where I go to my appointments so I never run out or forget if I took them or not. My meds are also free but I pay to get them packed in individual doses. I live in Scandinavia.

I am very grateful for this and it all helps tremendously.


A lot of private options but it’s not cheap. I don’t like the idea of forced treatment but would be amazing to see a pdoc once every 3 months. Donn’t see a pdoc very often. Like whenever i need to but the wait is long. So I go over a year before i see someone in the NHS.

Wow. My pdoc isn’t legally allowed to prescribe me meds for more than 3 months without seeing me.

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