Red meat and cancer

I have been eating lots of red meat these days. I am worried that its not healthy. I read online that too much red meat can increase cancer risk.

How true is that?

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Colon cancer I guess. Not brain cancer, I imagine,


Yea. It is said that if you eat a lot of red meat regularly then it increases your chance of colon cancer. But if you eat a moderate amount, it’s okay.


If you like meat, then alternate between red meat, poultry and fish. There’s plenty of variety in all those.


Yea I should eat fish, I very rarely eat fish, actually didnt in a long time.

it’s very healthy for you. They call fish “brain food” and it really is good for your brain.

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Haddock fish is very nice. Do they sell that in Canada?

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Yea they do. My parents eat salmon but I dont. I prefer red meat griled filet mignon, etc

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Vegan diet is best for cancer patients.


I think if you do just about anything other than sit and stare at your walls it can cause cancer.

and that can probably cause cancer too if the wall is covered in lead paint.


Hmm. . .

Red Meat And Innocent Animals.

It Can Break Your Heart In The End.


everything in moderation, seems everything gives us cancer


Partly depends how it’s cooked
Boiled is best I think

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On the grill, BBQ.

The worst
High heat

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I’ve been eating hot dogs lately.
They say that’s very bad for you too.

@Bowens is right, staring at the walls will give you cancer!

It’s just too much.


Red meat can cause cancer. Fish can cause mercury poisoning. Fruits and veggies have pesticides. Etc etc etc. Worry less. Enjoy more.


I’m pretty scared I might have cancer or something. I’m on my phone like 24/7. And idk I have blood in my stool. I had a test a few years back though and they never got back to me so I’m assuming it’s nothing. It’s a common fear for me tho.


Well, I’m in the test group for “eats a lot of red meat”. Don’t have cancer yet.


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The scientific evidence for red meat causing cancer is low relative risk and epidemiological, which isn’t the best evidence. I found this, although it is from 2010 which is a while ago:

Also, red meat is good for a number of vitamins and minerals.

IMHO it is safe to eat, but I’m no doctor :slight_smile:

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