Interested in what goods everyone has treated themselves to. I recently went to the free store and picked up these books!
You have a “free store”?
I got some clothes, chai latte mix, and hearing aids. Lol
I bought a couple of games off the Steam sale. Not too expensive and even better with a deal so happy about that.
I bought a crap ton of Christmas presents for myself because I was jealous of all the stuff I was getting for everyone else. I got a jean jacket, a black hoodie, tons of make-up, a make-up and jewelry organizer, jewelry, and an electric throw blanket (I haven’t got that yet)
Lottery tickets I’m ashamed to say. I should have just burned the money, at least i would have gotten some heat from that.
A waffle iron. I bought it online a couple of days ago. I also bought a GPS and a modem/router for my internet. And about two weeks ago I bought a casserole cooking dish. When I cook I have been making due with a few pots and pans to cook meals but a lot of good recipes online call for a casserole dish. So I had some extra money so I invested in this ceramic 3 quart baking dish.
You don’t have one?
Niceee, what games did you end up getting? I’ve wanted Catherine, Soul Caliber, MUTANT road to eden, okami, and (shameless) senran kagura estival versus for a long time. But instead I bought crash nitro fueled and Pokemon sword and shield on switch for my wife and myself.
New bedbug mattress and box spring encasements Real exciting.
Hell yeah man, I got myself a new hoodie for christmas! Glad to hear you got to spoil yourself a little since everyone on your Christmas list is getting something.
A video game that was on sale, having fun with it so far
I bought some rock salt.
You can’t win if you don’t play, I haven’t tried my luck, but I hope some good fortune comes your way soon!
What game? I love video games and it’s always fun to hear and see what kind of experiences other people are having with them.
not that I know of
Legend of heroes: Trails of cold steel.
Japanese roleplaying game about a group of students attending a military academy. Anime art style.
What are you playing lately?
Just some clothes from asos. Really nice dresses two of em. Both are black and very different to one another
I ordered a belt for myself but it hasn’t arrived yet. Supposed to be here by friday. Other than that I got food.
I bought crash nitro fueled and Pokemon sword and shield on switch for my wife and myself.