Recent invega shot

My recent invega shot was on wedesday night. Everything was fine and i went to bed. Woke up extremely groggy and the whole day at work on thursday was extremely hard as i had trouble keeping my eyes open, my head was heavy and i was tired. Friday was the same but a little bit improved. One guy i worked with said i looked drugged others said i looked tired. Today is saturday and i feel lethargic usually i would have gone for a walk in the park by now but ive just been lying around. This is the first time since ive started working two years ago the shot has had a negative effect. If these side effects wont go away i wont be able to work as i operate heavy machinery.


Weird that this happen given that you were on the same shot before without those side effects.

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Are you using invega sustenna or trinza?trinza shouldn t supposed to cause this side effects but some dosage of sustenna may cause groggy feeling after one to three days after should go away approx. 1 week later

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Thanks, where did you get that information, I searched online and couldn’t find specifics like that?

It’s true though, the feeling is going away.

It feels a little bit like a combo between a bad concussion and the side effect of my second covid vaccine.

Yeah it is weird. I have no idea what changed. I checked the expiry date on the medicine package and it has a year and a month to go before expiry. I saved the lot number just in case I have to look into it.

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İ m using this medicine since 5 years.i have(had) been using both trinza and sustenna.usually i experienced those side effects on sustenna but i didn t experienced on trinza.

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I’m sorry to hear this’d. I used to be on invega as well. I switched to abilify and it’s good it can however have weird side effects which can include compulsive shopping and gambling

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Ok thanks, when on invega how often did you experience it after injection?

İn the beginning of treatment.after 2 years its lost

Ok, but I have been taking invega since 2016, and this is the first time having the reaction. That doesn’t count when I first went on it, I felt terrible in many ways.

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I’m thinking about making the switch to abilify, but it will take a problem like this with invega to trigger the change. Bring on the compulsive sex, gambling and shopping, I could live a little after 6 years on invega.


Ok.i m sorry to hear this.i only experienced in the begining of treatment.then its lost by time.

It’s difficult finding a good prescription eh!

Yes, it is. Sz is a crap situation to be in.

At least it makes us stronger… as with all illness. That’s the eternal reward I guess

I like the what doesn’t kill makes stronger idea. It’s sort of reflected in the phrase to ‘get better’. Although, getting sick does not always make a person better, sometimes illness can be disabling. You may be better than when you were sick or injured but not before. So there could be a difference between getting better or getting well.

cool im no philosopher haha i just believe that when we hurt in the body the spirit is being purified… it seems too hard at times though…i still havent lost hope though :slight_smile:

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Even though sz is of the mind I think it is a disease of the body, which is demonstrated by the effectiveness of medication. Some might argue erroneously that it is the spirit, but I don’t accept any of that.


i agree i think

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And when I say spirit the closest thing I can agree that exists is the Will of the person. I’m not religious.