Recent invega shot

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I talked to the nurse practitioner about this and the office said the side effect is likely caused by the covid19 vaccines i recently had.

Hopefully it goes away next injection.

You guys who takes Invega feel like me too that sometimes there is sense like no covid-19 virus existing becuase the mind is so clear?

Do you mean youre not worried about it or do you think its not real?

No,Let me make myself more clearā€¦ I mean everything on Inevga becuse the strong blockage of dopmine and sertonin receptors there like barely feeling of pleasure unlike other APā€™s who better on that for example I was with Clopixol few years ago and my pleausre level like a normal person I have thinking alot and hard sens about everything and with Inevga my mind is clear and thinking very little itā€™s hard to explain maybe Iā€™m the on only that my own experience and it maybe some people who feel the same idk and that cuase me some kinda of pain. Invega isā€™nt the best medcine to handle with toughā€¦*sorry about my English itā€™s not my mother tounge. and kind of not worried, not thinking things not real Iā€™m attached to the reality I know this things only of the begining I started to take the med.

Invega made thinking difficult for me whereas when i was not medicated i was thinking to the point of dysfunction. Overthinking.

Some says not think alot even at all the actions and talking becomes naturally good because of that

Need to develop a drug that makes you think in the middle as if normal I hope the new drugs will does a better job up ahead I put my fingers crossed!

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