Recent huge delusions

Well trigger warning story time.

Basically i thought i was livestreamed by my sister the world was about to end because of a feedback loop of being streamed WW on speakers, i think i pissed myself and fell to the floor, i was a targeted individual looking like an old man about to die from an irregular heart while at the hospital and got into the ward
Fresh out and i smoked weed out of the ward and found out what psychosis was and it made a loop in my head about being god and not being god over and over, and then.
I smoked more weed, i was so high, they said “stop, your head will explode” then i did something and “see, that’s the joke, nothing happens” all of this while being livestreamed by an underground group while being watched through wifi electro magnetic fields.
It was weird.
I stopped smoking weed obviously and i’m taking haldol just in case today


Every time I’ve smoked weed my SZ has gotten worse permanently. Stay away from that stuff. I had a conversation in the psych ward with a guy that went something like this: Most people have doors in their mind that are shut and they want to use substances to open them and they shut again when they sober up. When you’re SZ, many of those doors are stuck open. Last thing you need is to open more of them, they might not close again.

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Weed is suppose to calm people down, but with SZ it’s a bad idea, yet we do it anyways. It’s almost like the universe saying “you’re stressed and need to relax” lol

But seriously, stress is a killer. If people learned to relax and not worry about things as much I think the body would stop releasing so much of that stress hormone called cortisol.

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