Hit me 15151515151515
My kids. The end
I dont have kids
Because dying sucks
Yes my gf and some family. But i dont think theyd miss me much.
Everyone has different reasons.
Family, friends, lovers, hobbies, pets, food, pursuit of knowledge etc.
I’m sure they would
Don’t do it. It is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Food works for me. I know Benjamin Franklin said “We eat to live, not live to eat.” but I beg to differ. Food makes a fine motive.
Suicide isn’t an answer. You are loved and you’ll be missed. Right now, your pain exceeds your coping skills. If you stick it out, you can work on getting new coping skills, or practice old skills, until you feel better. This will pass. Don’t give up!
My reason to live: my life has reached very low places. Ive been homeless, I’ve been abused, I have been absolutely miserable and thought there was no hope in the world. But things got better. Not all at once, and it took a lot of work, but eventually, things got better. Not just better, but truly GOOD. I actively enjoy my life every day right now. After experiencing that level of improvement, it has been easier to view down times as being temporary. I know things can always get better, because it has happened before.
If you are feeling suicidal, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.
You can also call a suicide prevention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries.
International suicide hotlines:
Suicide hotlines in the U.S.:
More resources:
Try reading Victor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning”. It might help.
Why my post got hidden, deleted? Because I told the truth? I have no problem but remember truth remains the same even if its mocked. I only tried to help the guy who want to murder himself.
No religious talk
How can free will becomes religious talk?
You talked about hell lol
@pr21 please don’t derail this thread. The topic is reasons to live, not whether or not religious posts should be allowed.
Suicide doesn’t just kill the person who commits it, it also kills everyone who loves that person.
That’s my experience with it.