Any kids I would have had would have wanted a reason for living

And I couldn’t give hem one. When the chips are down, I have not worked out a reason to carry on. Something I need to do.:pen:

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Yes, please do find reasons to live. If you’re feeling suicidal call a hotline or go to the ER.

Hotline can’t give me a reason - they might give me their reason but that doesn’t necessarily work for me. This is self work I have to do.

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chordy youre liked and respected here on this website…don’t get too despondent…we like having you here…this site is my only social outlet…and I need it to have a sense of belonging

hopefully u wont feel down too long, if u do, get yourself checked in to a psych hospital

Can you find something to research? Like a hobby? I go through cycles of researching things. It gives me something to look forward to doing, like a hobby. Learning can be a hobby and a great reason to live. Expanding your mind is a reason to live. Being able to spread hope of living a long life with sz is another reason.

Thank you @karl and @anon4362788 , this has been on my mind for a long time and I haven’t given it attention, I’ve just ignored it as it was ignored all my life. I don’t think there is any quick fix. I do see my clinician on Wednesday so maybe I’ll be able to express myself to her.

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