I’ve heard two stories of people getting denied disability with schizophrenia. I thought 80% of cases got approved. Was I that lucky to get approved the first time around?
I had to apply twice before I got it approved.
I wonder if I’m doing myself a disservice going back to school and work next year I don’t want to get denied disability and be crazy enough to need it one day
I was lucky and got it first time I was approved within a few months of applying. but I had a hospitalization under my belt and was going to doctor appointments. At the hospital they said I had schizophrenia but at the clinic they said I had borderline personality disorder with psychotic nos. Luckily through all the changes of diagnoses they never took away my social security. My current diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder, they’ve had me do the re enrollment process over again in 2014, and I didn’t have to go to another doctor to get checked. They approved me again right away.
My friends mom had schizoaffective disorder and she didn’t get approved
I don’t know. My SSDI was approved in less than 3 months with no appeal, no attorney, and no exam. But they made me wait 5 months to collect it. I didn’t get any backpay. I had six years of medical records and 4 inpatient hospitalizations for schizophrenia when I applied.
Meeting the criteria is the most important aspect of disability I found.
In my case I didn’t have many records so they sent me to get an independent review from a psychologist. It took about 30 minutes for the appt. and about a month for them to approve me.
Has anyone ever had to go back and get reevaluated? They say I’m supposed to go back in March, but I haven’t heard anything yet.
I was denied SSDI for my SZ but approved for an injury I got while being held in jail (I did nothing wrong, I was accused of something by someone who was mad at me and wanted revenge, no paranoia about it she wanted me to suffer and I did)
maybe it varies by what they consider more in need. I don’t know I can’t explain it. I know someone who was told she can’t collect social security for 15 months.
Most have to try twice.
SS Attorney is best investment. It doesn’t cost you much as attorney takes first check which is back benefits of about 5 months most of time and then you just start to get paid monthly. Atty is very helpful if you are close to homeless as these guys know who to talk to and how to move you to safety quickly with rest of social services.
I was reevaluated, back in 2014, they had me and others close to me fill out papers. Then through the case managers at the mental health clinic they had me fill out more papers. I was suppose to go to a independent psychologist and she was suppose to evaluate me but she canceled then like a day later they told me they went ahead and granted me SSI again and not to worry about the psychologist.
i got denied then i got a lawyer hopefully i can get on it for my paraniod schizophrenia