I think if a topic should get locked there should be a reason written as to why it got locked than just seeing it locked for an unknown reason. That’ll give some clarification.
I think a lot of topics get closed because they are years old, resurrected threads.
Yeah, lots of Zombie threads circulating around.
What does locking do? I’m new here so I don’t know diddly squat.
It’s when the moderators close down a thread.
No one can reply to it ever again.
Oh ok! Thanks for the response.
when someone is suspended the mods usually give a reason, and when a thread gets locked the sometimes comment why underneath, i have been subject to these a few times and its not nice, no-one like getting a thread locked but i guess they have their reasons (rules and all that)
anyway, i am on my best behaviour just now so hopefully it’ll be ok.
Sometimes we give a reason. Other times, we feel giving a reason will just lead to more anger and hurt feelings, so we say nothing.
They are quite often given a reason as to why they are locked. I’d say about 95% - 99% of the time.
All the topics I’ve seen closed without a reason being given were old resurrected topics which usually involve people no longer here or if they are here they’ve become so different that it’s not fair to them to dig up their graves.
I think that the mods are doing a decent job with the boards these days. People get away with a fair bit and you don’t see any unnecessary meddling in threads. Kudos to the team…it really has come a long way from the beginnings!
I feel like sometimes it would be better if they explained cause if the person doent know why it’s locked they might do the offending action again
I think moderators are doing good job. I even asked for one of my threads to be locked. Quite frankly I think it should have been and it wasn’t. It was getting old. And I was sick and tired of it and upset. Even though it was just a few days older.
Asked for it to be locked. A moment later it was closed/locked. This was only a few hours ago strangely enough.