Readers! The Reading Club!

So I’m thinking of starting a forum book club. We’d discuss the books we are reading, maybe choose a book for us to all read sometimes. Sometimes We’d have a program to see how many books we can read in a month.

Winners of the reading programs would get a special title under their name saying they won that month.

Who is interested?


I am interested as long as it’s not about Zombies.


I havn’t been reading much lately but I’d be willing to try a book we all read. So, I would give it a go.

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I cannot read books nowadays… sorry Zombie :frowning:

I think it would be great if we could focus on selected short stories rather than a novel length book. Many of us just don’t have the attention span to read huge books.


Short stories or maybe a fairly lengthy article we could all discusss.

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You could use it as a platform to raise awereness of topics your passionate about. I know illeteracy is big in children.

How do we ensure that everyone can read supposed article…and what topic of article would draw the most interest.


I think a book club is a great idea but it’s gonna be hard to agree on subject matter.

Well, that’s why we can have a reading program where people choose their own books or short stories. We can have two running at the same time, one for books and another for short stories. People can choose what they are comfortable with.

And as for choosing one book for us all to read, someone can suggest a title, I can look at the content, then make a poll of several suggested books. The winner is the book of that month. And members don’t have to read, but those that do can have a dedicated thread for discussion of that book.

I feel this would be great for brain exercise and helping build cognitive skills. Reading stretches the bra8n!


Can you provide a link to spark notes of book?

No, the point is to read. You can read a book orchoose short stories.

Okay. I’ll just start somewhere. I purpose the short story Good Country People by Flannery O’Connor. It’s well known.

Or as a very short novel. The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway.

Common works. Just my thoughts.


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For short stories we can provide links to the story/stories.

For books, you guys don’t have to buy them. You can use your library or utilize your library system’s digital online library. This is called Overdrive or Libby in some areas. Your local library can tell you how to access. Some books can be delivered to your Kindle or read directly in the Libby or Overdrive app.

Also, Kindle has Kindle Unlimited. It is about $15 a month and you can borrow up to 10 books at a time for an unlimited time.

Also, changing the name of this thread.

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That is illegal in Modship. Hath thou sinnest upon thee!

Ha! Tis not. I have no sins!

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Okay Messiah.


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Lol. I’m SO not any messiah. Unless you count being a zombie.


I’m interested! I hope we read a thriller lol. Thrillers are my favorite, but I read other stuff too

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I would suggest moby dick it interests me greatly as quite possibly the greatest American novel. Alas I don’t think anyone wants to read 700 pages on whale hunting. Albeit a masterpiece. I’ve tried reading it many times. Never got past 60 pages. Although enjoyed it every time. Have read spark notes. And listened to lectures. One day I’d like to take a course on moby dick maybe. I think it’s interesting how it was laughed upon in its times. Now so highly regarded. Ernest Hemingway said adventures of huck Finn was the greater novel. I don’t think I’m qualified having completed neither of these books to say which is better. But I like the classics !!

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