Reading Group Start-up

I’ll be starting up my Reading Group today at 2pm in my clubhouse, I established a Library last year in there and now i think its the perfect time for this reading Group.

I have put up a couple of posters and a sign up sheet for it and its on the board at the morning meet-up too, i hope i get a few people, i’ll be asking them what sort of books they like and let them know what i’ve been doing, should be interesting.


Sounds really good! I would join a book club where i am but i highly doubt that the stuff i read would be things other people are interested in. What kind of genre book do you like?


I like Inspirational, powerful, sometimes spiritual reads, it has to be very interesting, encapsulating and uplifting,

this is one of the questions i’ll be asking at my group, what sort of book do you like? whats your favourite that sort of thing :slight_smile:

was going to ask them if they have had a look at the library and if there is anything there they like or that they’d like to change?

I’m hoping to get some help from the local library to provide books and things like that.


We have a community library. The residents donate books. Anyone can take a book to read, and bring it back when finished. I just hope no one abuses it. It’s pretty cool.


it went really good

I like to buy very cheap, used books on I don’t like deadlines to have books read by a certain date like is done at libraries. I like my freedom. And I like my books in print form. I’m old fashioned that way. I get my magazines in print form too.

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yeah everyone has different needs when it comes to reading, i am trying to cater for all, its an extremely hard job heading a book group but it should get easier as it develops.

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