Ranking you're psychotic episode against other peoples

I rank my first psychotic episode as one of worst suffering anyone has went through ever since time began …

where do you rank yours on a scale?


I try not to play the pain Olympics. It never does anyone any good.


I disagree…all area’s should be discussed openly…


I never new my first psychotic break…never diagnosed at time…so unfortunate. Life and sz sucks…

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have you ever heard voices @far_cry0


Pedro i never heard voice …i have very less positive symptoms… i got tons of cognitive and negative symptoms…

I was mistakely diagnosed as a mixed anxiety when i had sz … i never had a knowledge about sz and its symptoms…

I realised when we have less positive symptoms we will have mistake diagnosis…i only have disorganised thought as a positive symptoms.
No delusion no hallucination nothing positive…

Hey brother @san_pedro what are ur breakthrough positive symptoms…


IMO I think you have a better chance to improve better than a full symptomatic person, in a few years time you could beat this…

in my case pdoc’s call it ‘‘remission’’ it means not cured but no symptoms

I solved all my ingredients that were involved triggering psychotic episodes…so much I know I won’t have another psychotic break again…I learnt to live in this crazy world…


Can u go off medication pedro…??? U said u are in remission or u need ur med life time…

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I will ask my pdocs can I quit meds but I think I need them I am on them 18 years like. my brain and body are so uset to meds…one can be in remission and still take meds…


U are right pedro … this ■■■■ is really difficult… sz removes color of our life… i am glad u are in remission…hope ur situation improves furthur…have a nice tasty lunch and enjoy ur moment…hows camroon…?? Ur son… he has grown up right…??


greek matholgy and Pandora opened the box and released all in it, and all that was left in the box was ‘‘HOPE’’

I agree the citrus acid in my orange is gone since 2000 …know what I mean…?

my son Cameron is doing very well I see him every weekend he is 10 now

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My first psychosis was also the worst. I dont remember anything for five days. Those five days they said i was eating talking normally but thoughts were chaotic…i hit someone…i ate and went to sleep.

I rank that experience= this world is effed.

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sz robbed my smile and sest/flavour of life 2018

but I am totally glad it shaped me into a nice person

On the scale of human suffering I still rank myself about 10%
Imagine sex trafficked / child soldier / someone licked for years in a dark room and that is their whole childhood / nearly dying from being wet and cold and homeless every night
I think being a Mum would test my limits
I have always thought I could handle tougher
I mean a lot of women go through childbirth ffs

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

When I was so very disabled about age 19, I went to my church for help. Their slant was “Sometimes God has to break a man before he is truly useful to God.” I hold on to that one

When I was 24 years old, I thought I was pretty sophisticated about mental and emotional pain.

When the psychosis hit full force in 1975, I couldn’t have imagined a person could have as much pain as I did from age 25 to age 28.

When pain is over it is over. I hope no one ever has to go through what I went through.

I’m hanging around schizophrenia. com hoping I can help someone so that he or she doesn’t have to have the awful pain I went through.

The last several decades of my life have been relatively sweet. Nevertheless, I’m sort of permanently numb form the three years of pain for age 25 to 28.



What criteria are you using to arrive at this conclusion?

I didn’t so much have psychotic breaks as the hallucinations never stopped. I had periods where I had some significant delusions (unusual for me) the common thing with all the times I was hospitalized was I couldn’t cope with the hallucinations and others noticed.

I AM 100% spiritual so on this note, God has all the criteria of the scale of suffering I had…and IMO MINE was on par with the worst and im not going into detail at this moment

it was sometimes gross, sometimes amusing. then when I sought care, became mostly gross. About a 6

I was tortured by my paranoia for years and years. I’m just glad it’s over.