i rang the crisis people cos i phoned my housing manager to see if he got the letter to end my tenancy cos i couldnt cope any longer in the flat i had.
only to be told by the woman that it hadnt been received (3 weeks ago i sent it)
omg talk about getting upset and panicing because i thought i had only one week left and i then didnt have to worry about it.
so phoned the crisis centre and told her what i was feeling like and what had happened. i know she cant really help with the mess anyway but i just wanted some kind of …oh i dont know… help or something.
all i got was receptionist who said well if it was me i would go to citizens advice blah blah blah
well yeh if i was in a normal state of mind then yeh sister i would do that
but then shes like ill tell the nurse to ring you
so i had to go on the bus for 1 hour to go to the council to then give her a letter to end the tenancy and to give her the keys cos the sister on the phone wass like yeh well if you dont do it before 12pm then you have another week of tenancy and then another 4 weeks of being responsible for your flat.
so anyway after panicing n sweating n not knowing what time the bus was gonna get there ie it mmight be late
i get a call off the nurse saying exactly the same as receptionist and then she said we are coming to see you tomorrow anyway.
now i feel deflated and i dnt see how these people are gonna helpim so upset n dont feel like anyone is gonna help at all.
i tried calling them tonight cos dont feel like beeing here anymore whats the point?
i never get listened to or if i do they fob me off