I don’t feel so good today.
It’s my mood.
I don’t feel so good today.
It’s my mood.
I have preferred the crisis line as they have more knowledge about my history usually… I’m sorry you not feeling great Zoe
Thanks Milly. Yea I just feel really irritable and strange mood. :))
Hi Zoe,
I called the hotline for suicide prevention quite a few times. They had a few good tricks and usually had a soothing, calming voice. I like talking to the girls as they always acknowledge my suffering in their tone. Not to say the men were bad on the contrary. You can also text them if you feel more comfortable doing so!
I think it can help to call them, give it a go!
They are great! Years and years ago, they’ve either saved my life literally or have talked me out of suicide many times.
Sorry youre having a tough time Zoe i hope you feel better soon.
I hope its ok to ask, when are you due?
Call the crisis line
Find a puppy to play with
Eat ice cream
Take a bubble bath
Put on clothes that make you feel good and go outdoors
Like in 2 days, yea.
Thanks :))) 3 river
Dat sounds encouraging, thanku.
@anon25873142 yea this is my moody time I guess.
Just feels worse than usual maybe that’s just part of the symptoms. To always feel worst.
But really I don’t feel great.
Yesterday, i called the mobile crisis team. They were great! They came to my house and helped me calm down when i was having bad anxiety and increased voices. Then they said they’ll do a check in call to me later today and tomorrow. I thought they were way more helpful than the usual crisis telephone call.
I’m glad they were so helpful to you, that’s good
I’m glad other people had good experiences with them but my experience was not a good one. I got some guy on the line who barely talked. I told him what was going on with me. Nothing from him. I told him I needed answers or suggestions. Nothing. People have told me that is a method of helping me, by just letting me vent but I needed more than that and I didn’t get it. Then after a short while he informed me I had two minutes left and after two minutes he hung up. I got off the phone feeling just as bad as when I called. For a hotline they weren’t so hot.
Ohh that’s sad u didn’t get what you needed. I’ll keep my expectations low. But hope for the best
I’ve been in crisis on the phone to the Samaritans before. They helped immensely.
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