Quitting Ozempic has seemed to

solve my sulfer burp/excessive gas and stomach issues . It took a couple weeks for everything to completely go back to normal, but it seems to be solved now.

I was suppossed to talk to doc today about my quitting but the office called and said I wasnt due for an appt for 2 weeks and rescheduled. My guess would be that they had someone who needed an emergency appt and just cancelled me to make room.

Anywho, she will be hard pressed to convince me to restart when I do eventually talk to her.


That’s good news.

How long have you had diabetes Bowens?


I can’t even remember. I was diagnosed during my first psychosis when I went to the hospital for unrelated. Then I reversed it through my diet, exercise and fasting because of religious and poison related delusions. Then I got it back later on after becoming stable , eating more and getting less exercise, so it hasn’t been a continuous length of time. It’s been split up.


thats good news. use the momentum of these gains to motivate weight loss thru regular activity

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I just had a zoom meeting with someone about diabetes management today.

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i know it feels good when bad symptoms go away, i believe you can turn the duabetes around too


@Bowens - Well the good news is that you know for a fact you can reverse it since you’ve done it in the past.

Losing weight to get down to a healthy BMI, regular cardio and strength training exericse and a healthy diet will help you. You can still live a very long life, I believe in you!

Easier said than done though. I myself struggle with my weight and being inactive. My grandma also has diabetes so it wouldn’t surprise me if I get it in the future.

Wishing you all the best man.


Thanks man. Reversing is much harder when you have had it longer I hear though, so I dunno if thats going to happen. We’ll see.


Are you insulin dependent? I just take metforman

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I’m taking insulin.

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