Got my A1C results today

I now have diabetes. It’s 7.5 :frowning: I can’t take Metformin because it upsets my stomach too much.

I really need to lose weight. I’m mad at myself


Good luck with the weight loss journey.

Some people are able to reverse diabetes. I believe you can do it too!

Time to make a New Year’s resolution.


Yup. Thanks @Jonathan2

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Metformin made me close to vomiting both times I tried it (a year apart). My psychiatrist tried to tell me it was all in my head. But I have no trouble with Jardiance and Ozempic. She was full of the bull…

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@anon70814080 , nausea and diarrhea are both in the insert as side effects. That dr was an idiot

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I wish she hadn’t retired when she did, because I could have pointed that out.

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Yeah. I think showing the drug info and pointing out side effects right on it is very understandable

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Thanks @Rainstorm . I just need to lose weight and eat fewer carbs.

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Do you have chance to get ozepic or similar drug which will reduce your weight as well help with diabetes?

Does your insurence covers it?


@anon28667878 have Medicare. When you have Medicare, once you reach a certain cost of what they pay and what you pay reaches a certain amount, you have to pay close to half for a while. I don’t qualify for either Medicaid or Extra Help, with injections, I would end up in the “donut hole” and would have to pay 50% of the cost of all my drugs I take until I reached another amount and then it would change again. Seeing as how Ozempic and other diabetes injections cost about $1,000/ month, I can’t afford to do that.


Sorry to hear it…
I can’t get ozempic yet,but I’d try in spring…

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I hope you get it :slight_smile:

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Do you have a Medicare part C plan? Depending on where you live you might get a good plan for meds.

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I have Medicare A B C and D. Part D has a prescription drug plan. I still can go into the donut hole even with that @Natron

I’m sorry to hear @LilyoftheValley
Ask your doctor for other more affordable diabetes drugs.

There are a lot of options out there

With an A1C over 7.0 you are going to have be on meds.

I’m no doctor though, speak with your doctor about it

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@Wave , I already requested glipizide ER. It’s a zero dollar copay for me


So sorry to hear this @LilyoftheValley

I take metformin ER which has been gentler and kinder to my stomach and has been known to be gentler than regular metformin for some folks like myself. I don’t know what you or your dr would like though. My mom takes glipizide and it doesn’t upset her stomach. Best wishes to you!!!

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Thanks @anon90992146 . I’ve tried Metformin ER and it also upset my stomach unfortunately. She may make me take it actually though. I’m not sure.

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Oh no. Sorry to hear that the ER did that to you too. I hope you can try the glipizide instead. Your dr shouldn’t make you take anything that upsets your stomach! My mom has a very touchy stomach (irritable stomach) and glipizide doesn’t upset her stomach at all. I hope your dr is willing to work with you too. @LilyoftheValley

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Thanks @anon90992146 . Me too.

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