My patience with the "circle of diabetes" is wearing thin

This is the loop I seem to be in:

My diabetes worsens so I get an insulin increase. The insulin increase tends to cause an increase in weight. This increases my insulin resistance which of course means worsened diabetes. Which leads to another insulin increase which causes me to gain weight, which in turn leads to more insulin resistance.

If things continue on this path, In 5 years I may be 450 lbs taking 75 units of insulin twice a day.

Somehow I need to break the cycle.


Idk what to say other than vegetables and high protein foods might help as I said in the other thread the keto diet seems to be the new thing in town type thing

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What really put me in the irritated mood about diabetes is that I just checked my blood sugar and its 300 and I haven’t even ate lunch. Now I guess I don’t eat. Being angry at my own condition does no good I guess.

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Yeah I don’t have diabetes but I get frustrated with my mental health also diabetes sucks my brother dad and my sister too have it all of them were happy eating sugar now they can’t but there’s more to life than food

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I guess I’m not understanding the doctors reluctance to putting you on short acting insulin. Sounds like you need it. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I don’t know but besides insulin increases, their go to seems to be trying to convince me to increase ozempic. The med that I continue to gain weight on and when I increase, just makes me sick to my stomach and gives me sulfur burps all the time.

Ozempic is used world wide as a weight loss drug

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Unfortunately that will be their go to before insulin since you are Type 2. There is a chance they think you are not following a diabetic diet well enough. Closely following up with a dietician is good because they will see you are doing everything on your end and it’s still not okay. Keep a very detailed food diary is my recommendation. Show it to them at each appt.


It doesn’t work for me. The entire time I have been on it, I have either maintained weight or gained weight. And if the theory is partially that if it makes you sick, you won’t eat, you might as well eat rotten fish, as you will get sick on that as well.

I know it’s supposed to slow digestion as well.

yep. pretty sure thats how it works. insulin is the fat storage hormone. it converts the sugar to fat. it also increases appetite making u eat more. only thing u can really do is eat way less carbs and calories to lose weight so u can decrease ur insulin, to make it easier to eat less and lose more weight and repeat. thats how i think the cycle is broken.

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another thing that happens is ur body will become more resistant to the insulin u inject. cause thats what happened in the first place. ur body produced to much insulin so it became resistant to it and it will continue. its like taking a drug and starting at a low dose and becoming used to it and needing more. u might wanna try a very low carb diet with exercise so u need less insulin and can start lowing that dose.

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Sorry to hear that maybe it’s not for you most people infact everyone I know who’s used it gets better and loses a ton of weight I’ve seen people lose 150 pounds

Yes, I brought the fact that I read a book that said the same thing about more insulin increasing insulin resistance to my doc and she said that insulin wasn’t making my diabetes worse. :person_shrugging:. so i dunno

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theyve gotta be dieting. 90 percent of my family is on insulin and none of them have lost weight over the past 20 years. it def doesnt cause weight loss.

They all say ozempic was the reason they lost the weight idk

I hope you will feel better soon.

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ozempic is a weigh loss drug. its not the same as insulin

Oops I thought it was insulin for diabetes so it’s in its own class like metafornin I’m guessing

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yes. its not insulin based. its a drug. it causes the stomach emptying to slow making u feel more full so u eat less and can lose weight.


I know this sounds stupid but I wish my doc would prescribe me ozempic mind you I’m getting better at not eating at night